Chapter 38

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**Mature Content Warning**

Ghost Monroe - I Am the Fire

I am the fire burning

I rise with the flames

— — — — —

Magnolia (Syble)

Today feels like it's been a week. I'm physically and emotionally drained but I have to rally because I still haven't really spoken to Ro and Varian about what happened between us earlier and what it meant — if  it meant anything.

Who am I kidding? Of course it meant something, it meant everything — to me at least. My fire burns for them, my heart beats for them.

This is exactly why I've avoided getting emotionally involved with anyone, because now, whether they know it or not, they have more power over me than anyone. A shiver runs through me as I acknowledge that fact.

They're the only ones who can hurt me.

I walk out onto my balcony and take a seat on one of the cushioned lounge chairs, hugging my knees to my chest. I lose track of time as I stare into the void of the stars.

"Magnolia?" I hear Varian call out, a trace of worry in his voice.

"I'm out here." I reassure them that I haven't run off.

His face splits into a wide, beautiful smile when he sees me. Warmth spreads from my heart throughout my body at the way he looks at me.

"Hey, love." He sits next to me and pulls me into his lap so I'm curled up in his arms, my head resting on his chest.

"Where's Ro?"

"I'm here, princess." Ro sits next to Varian and me and pulls my feet into his lap, running his fingertips along my legs, pressing his thumbs into the soles of my feet.

Their touches are more electric than ever, like there's a living, breathing, energy between us.

"Alone at last." Varian whispers into my ear, his words filled with promise.

I take a deep, steadying breath. "We should talk."

Ro purrs, the rumble from his chest rippling up my body. "Indeed we should. You've been a naughty little thing all week. I think we should begin discussions with a proper recount of all your misdemeanors."

He presses his thumbs into my instep again, causing me to moan out into the silent night around us.

I'm not sure where he's going with this misdemeanor nonsense, I thought they had gotten over the whole throwing a glaive at them thing.

"First, you've been taunting us with your delectable scent, not to mention your arousal, from the very first time we met." Ro starts massaging up my legs.

"If our wolves had their way, they would have claimed you right there in the woods," Varian adds.

"But you led us to believe that Incandis was something he's not. His scent on you..." Ro grips my thighs, his claws extending and digging into my flesh, "it drove us mad. You were supposed to be ours."

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