Chapter 26

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Break my Heart - Dua Lipa

I should've stayed at home

'Cause now there ain't no letting you go

Am I falling in love

With the one that could break my heart?

— — — — — 

Syble (Magnolia)

I make my way back to the pack house to start getting ready for the party. Accalia has given me a lot to think about and I'd like to get back in control of my mind and body before I'm faced in front of the twins again. I'm walking through the main hall when someone grabs me by the arm, pulls me into the twins' office, and pins up against the wall.

When I finally look up, Ro's forested eyes are drinking me in, his hunger palpable. He stands mere inches away from me, both hands on either side of my head. He leans in, burying his nose in my neck and hair.

"Where have you been?" He asks, his voice a pained whisper.

"In the gardens," I answer honestly, my body buzzing from his proximity. "I flew back here and ended up in the gardens talking to your mom."

He sighs, drops his hands to my waist, and pulls me to him.

Wrapped in his arms I feel guilty for leaving them so suddenly at the lake. The desire I felt for him then comes roaring back and I wrap my arms around his neck, running a hand through his hair. He holds me to him with only a breath of space between our lips. I swear I can feel the air around us getting warmer the longer we stand here, tethered together by some invisible, inescapable force.

His hands leisurely begin to massage my hips and explore across my back before settling again on my waist. Inky blackness slowly diffuses across his eyes, unhurriedly overtaking his entire iris. If I linger too long in his gaze the darkness of our unspoken desire will undoubtedly consume me.

A needy ache burrows deep in my belly and my skin is alight with heat. Each touch of his sends sparks ricocheting through my body and between my thighs. I blush furiously when he growls appreciatively at my undisciplined arousal. But it's not just him my body yearns for.

"Where's Varian?" I ask quietly whilst attempting to bring my body to heel. They're hardly ever apart and I need to talk to him about what happened – to apologize for running. I just didn't know what else to do at the time, my body was on fire, my thoughts were incoherent – like it is now and pretty much every time I get close to the twins.

"He's upset with himself, went for a run when we couldn't find you in the house." He unwraps his arms from around me and cups my face in his hands. He presses his forehead to mine and sighs, breathing me in.

"You should go get ready, let's just enjoy the party. We can talk afterwards or tomorrow." He says softly.

I simply nod and slip out of their office to head up to my room and get ready.

I open my door and find Incandis and Kat lounging in the arm chairs. She's talking animatedly and he's watching her, listening, completely enraptured by what she has to say.

I clear my throat loudly. "What are the two of you doing in my room?"

Incandis' head snaps to me and he blushes. He blushes. I don't think I've ever seen him so embarrassed. Kat turns as white as my bed sheets and the way her knees practically give out upon standing makes me think she's going to pass out at any second.

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