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Florence's POV

I watch as Y/N stands up from her spot next to me while answering her phone. I had seen the caller ID, but it still bothered me when she greeted Lizzie. Y/N is walking off towards her bedroom and I hear laugh at something Lizzie said. I involuntarily roll my eyes. Ever since Lizzie broke up with Robbie, she's been calling and texting Y/N frequently. The only reason I noticed was because I could hear the pair laughing anytime she called. I sigh, knowing that their conversation can range anywhere from a couple of minutes to about a hour. In order to pass time, I pull out my phone and text my sisters. I start with a simple "Hey" and wait for their responses.

Raffie instantly responds, "You finally stopped shoving your tongue down Y/N's throat!"

I can't help but laugh as I type out my response. "We weren't making out." My text is followed by one from Raffie again, "Sureeeee".

Arabella responds after that, "Stop teasing Flossie. She's in love with someone who is oblivious to love."

I respond, "I am not in love with her." I double text saying, "And she's not oblivious to love, just aversive."

Arabella replies, "You've been in love with her since the day Toby brought her home after school when they were in year three."

Raffie, after staying silent for a while says, "True, and I wasn't even born yet."

Arabella then says, "Still can't forget the weird tension between the two of you when Y/N came back to Spain in 2011." Then seconds later says, "What was that even about?"

I sigh, "Nothing, there was no tension." Raffie cuts in, "There totally was. You two were flirty the whole summer."

"Shut up, you were like 7" I quip back. Arabella says, "Doesn't take a genius to spot two teens flirting. Come on it's been nine years."

I know that no matter what I say, they'll think what they want to think. I stop texting them and scroll through Instagram as I wait for Y/N to return. I think back to that summer when I see a picture of the beach. We spent a lot of time together that summer, Toby was always busy working on university stuff. To this day I still don't know what he did most those days, I was too focused on other people.

I'm snapped out of my reminiscing when I hear Y/N open her door and walk back out to the living room. She smiles at me as she walks over and sits down next to me. She puts her arm around the back of the couch causing me to look at her. Instead of returning my look, she grabs the remote and presses play. I scoot myself closer to her, even though we are already sitting with our thighs touching. Her arm moves around my shoulders and I grab the hand that's draped over my shoulder. We finish the rest of the movie in that same position. I never even notice that our hands are clasped or I've started playing with her fingers. I watch as Y/N checks the time before asking me, "When we should make dinner?"

I look over at her watch to see what time it is and giving her my response, "Let's watch another movie and then make dinner." She smiles in agreement but unwraps her arm from my shoulder. I think she's becoming tired of cuddling, but she grabs the nearest blanket. She moves to lay down with her head in my lap. She drapes the blanket over her body and turns to me, "Sorry, did you want a blanket?"

I shake my head while running my fingers through her hair. I pick the next movie as Y/N keeps her focus on me. I start to blush under her gaze but luckily she can't tell from the angle she was at. Even as the movie starts, I can feel her looking at me. I tilt my head down to make eye contact and raise my eyebrow at her. She smiles up at me then says, "You're just so beautiful."

The blush returns to my cheeks and I can't help but look away. She sits up a bit and places her hand against my cheek so I turn to look at her. She moves a strand of hair out of my face before brushing her thumb on my cheek. It's a simple affectionate action that makes my heart swell. I mumble "Thank you."

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