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I watch as Florence walks out of my room, shutting the door behind her. I lay my guitar down next to me before I fall back on my bed. Sighing, I search my night stand for my phone, knocking a few things off in the process. I check the time noticing that it wasn't even noon yet. I decide to text my family hoping that'll provide me with a much needed distraction. However, it seems my father is busy considering it is the middle of the afternoon in Paris and who knows about my brother's activities. My mom isn't much of a texter, so I know that she'll end up calling me later. In that moment, I decide to text Lizzie. I send her a simple "What's up?" and wait for her response.

In the mean time, I sit up from my bed and grab my guitar. I put it back on the stand in the corner of my room before I sit at my desk. I grab my journal for song lyrics and try and think of something, anything. After a half hour of nothing, I decide to go into the kitchen to fill up my water bottle.

As I walk towards the kitchen, I see Florence scrambling around trying to find Billie's leash and put shoes on at the same time. I stand near the archway to the kitchen and watch the chaos unfold. Florence gets her shoes on but manages to drop the leash in the process. Billie comes racing over to me and jumps on my legs. Instantly I lean down and give her some head rubs. I can feel a pair of green eyes watching me, but I ignore her. She coughs causing me to look up at her. She mumbles, "I'm just gonna grab this real quick."

A small smile makes it's way on to my face. The sentence reminds me of myself and the midwestern charm I got from my mom. Even when we lived over in Spain she would always tell us "You can take the girl out of the Midwest, but can't take the Midwest out of the girl." Florence looks at me and smiles. Even when I'm upset with her she still manages to look at me with such affection.

"Y/n, I'm sorry about all of this. I know we were going to have a picnic date and everything. Just he called and pulled the "Billie is my dog too" card and I felt trapped."

I sigh out as I stand up from petting Billie. "Honestly, Florence, I'm not upset that you're going to see him. Well, I am but that's probably just jealousy speaking." A small smile starts to form on the corner of Flo's face as I admit to being jealous. I shake my head at the woman doing my best to brush past that. "I'm upset because you agreed without even thinking about our date. Without even thinking about me."

"I did think about you and our date."

"Yeah after the fact. You dropped everything to go meet him at the park. You could've said another time or day, but you didn't. How is that supposed to make me feel, Florence?"

She sighs as she thinks about what I said. I can see my words start to hit her as she looks at me with sorrow. "I can call and cancel."

"It's a little late for that. It doesn't even matter right now, Florence. The date doesn't matter."

"Don't say that. You don't mean it." She looks at me, trying to decipher if I truly mean it. She can't find an answer behind my cold gaze. Her eyes start to haze up with tears. "Do you actually mean it?"

I shake my head no, but I can't bring myself to say that. Instead I settle my gaze past her on my front door. "You should probably leave to make it in time." I don't stay to watch her walk out, I just turn back around to head to my room forgetting all about my water bottle. From my room I can hear the front door open and click shut. Honestly, I can't believe she is going to meet him especially after this morning. I understand that she felt guilty considering they adopted Billie together, so she is as much his dog as Florence's. I just can't seem to move past how she dropped our plans, our date, as if it didn't matter. Knowing that I need to clear my head, I change into a pair of running shorts and a sports bra. I know that I already went for a run this morning, but just a walk around the city doesn't seem like a bad idea. Before I leave my room, I throw on a tank top and grab my AirPods and a mask. At my front door, I pick up my sunglasses and slip on my shoes.

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