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Flashback - Y/N's POV

I'm sitting in the front office of my new school. My dad keeps looking down at his watch, pacing back and forth in front of me and my mom. My mom reaches her hand out to grab my dad's hand, pulling him to sit down. "Honey, if you keep pacing, you'll burn a hole into the ground."

She rests her hand against her baby bump and rubs my back with her other. My dad looks over at the two of us and smiles. He rests his hand on my mom's knee and says, "I just don't want to be late."

I look at my dad with a raised eyebrow, "I thought you ran it all?"

My mom laughs as she moves to fix the back of my hair. My dad lets out a chuckle and smiles at me. "I do run the company, sweetie. That doesn't mean I should show up late."

My mom smiles at my dad now, "The office hasn't even officially opened yet. You can't be late." My dad just hums in response. We sit waiting for someone to come talk to us, but a new family walks into the office. There's a little boy with brown wavy hair and a little girl with blonde pigtails. There's also a slightly older girl with brown wavy hair standing between the parents. They check in at the desk and the receptionist points to where we are. The family comes and joins mine in the waiting room. Just as they come to sit down, the head of administration comes out of her office.

"Hola, me llamo Gabriela García," the head introduces her shelf first. My family stares at Ms. García and so does the other family. She looks between all of us before speaking with a heavy Spanish accent, "I'm sorry, let me try that again. Hello, my name is Gabriela García. You must be the Y/L/Ns and the Pughs."

My dad sticks his hand out to shake Ms. García's. "Hello, I'm Patrick Y/L/N. This is my wife Sophia, and our daughter Y/N."  My mom stuck her hand out as well, while I just smiled at the woman. She returned my smile before looking at the other family, the Pughs as she said. The husband introduces everyone.

Two teachers come in and stand behind Ms. García, who seems to notice their presence without turning around. She motions the teachers forward and introduces them. "This is Carmen Martín, she's one of the teachers for first year. She'll be your teacher Florence." The little blonde girl smiles at Ms. Martín. Ms. García motions to the other teacher, "This is Mariana Sánchez, she's one of the third year teachers. Sebastian and Y/N, you'll be in her class."

The curly haired boy and I make eye contact with each other and smile before looking at Ms. Sánchez. My mom speaks up, "Third year? Y/N is supposed to be in second year."

"Looking at her entry performance, we determined she was at a third year level," Ms. García says as she smiles at my mom. I exchange looks with my dad, he gives me a thumbs up. All I heard was the lady called me smart. Ms. García nods her head and both Ms. Martín and Ms. Sánchez tell us to follow them.

The school was relatively small compared to my school back in America.  At the front, was the office from which we just came, and a little gym. Each grade only had two teachers and their classrooms were across the hall from one another. Since there were six grade levels in the school, the hallway was pretty long. At the end of the hallway we're double doors leading to an enclosed outdoors space.

We get to the classes for first years and Ms. Martín and Florence head into the classroom on the left. The boy, who I learned is Sebastian, and I are following Ms. Sánchez to the third year room. We enter the room on the right, and there's only about 13 kids in the room. Ms. Sánchez greets the class, "Good morning everyone, these are our new students. This is Y/N and this is Sebastian."

"Actually I go by Toby," that's the first I've heard the curly haired boy speak and the British accent surprised me. Ms. Sánchez smiles at him and motions for us to take a seat with everyone else. The two spots that were open were next to each other. We sit down and smile at one another before turning our attention to Ms. Sánchez.

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