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Florence's POV

As I pull Y/n into my room to talk, I can't help but feel overjoyed by her admission. She finally told me that she's in love with me. She looks down at me with such a wide smile, I feel butterflies in my stomach. Her eyes stay trained to my face as I close the door behind her. "What are you looking at?"

"The woman I love," a small blush spreads across my cheeks at her words. "You are so beautiful Flossie."

I wrap my arms around her neck allowing her arms to automatically wrap around my waist. I feel her thumbs rub circles against my hips. The feeling of Y/n holding me close feels like heaven on earth. She's still has the biggest smile I've ever seen. It makes it impossible for me not to kiss her in this moment. I pull her closer to me and reach up to press my lips against hers. I feel her body relax under my arms as she sighs before pulling me impossibly closer. Our lips move in sync as they slide together. Her grip on my waist tights as she moves to deepen the kiss. However, I know we said we should talk so reluctantly I pull back from the kiss. I rest my forehead against Y/N's as a way to center myself. I'm having a little trouble believing this is finally happening.

When I open my eyes, I see that Y/N's are still tightly shut. As though she is afraid once she opens them she'll find that this is all a dream. I slide my hands down her arms until I'm grabbing her biceps. I give them a gentle squeeze as I whisper, "Y/n, look at me."

She opens her eyes and I swear the whole world stops for a few seconds. I stare into her eyes as a smile starts to spread over my face. "I love you so much, Y/N Y/L/N. I have loved you just as long as you have loved me. If not longer."

I barely even register that she stopped breathing until I feel a puff of air hit my face. Y/N's eyes are looking at me with such wonder. It almost seems like she wasn't expecting me to tell her I love her back. Although how could I not love her. After years of pining and wishing and dreaming, I finally have the girl in my arms. I can't help but pull her into another gentle kiss. As we pull away, I feel her say "You are truly something else, Florence Pugh."

My head falls back as a laugh escapes my lips. She's watching me with an intense gaze. When I finally stop laughing I meet her eye again. "You're such a dork. I love you."

"I love you too," I watch as a blush moves across her cheeks and up her ears. "Should we talk?"

I nod my head and move to sit on my bed. Y/n stands awkwardly in my room until I pat the space next to me signaling for her to sit down. She makes her away over to the bed and sits down. Our knees are touching as she sits with her back towards the door. A rush of nostalgia from our first kiss comes crashing over me. I smile at her as I take her hands in mine. She relaxes and lets her thumbs rub across my knuckles. We sit in silence as she watches her thumbs move and I watch her. I give her hands a gentle squeeze causing her to look up at me. "Do you want to go first or do you want me to?"

Y/n doesn't say anything as her bottom lip is pulled between her teeth. She seems to be thinking over both options before making a decision. She lets go of my hands and drags one through her hair. I can tell that talking about everything is making her anxiety work overtime. "I can go first if you want?" I offer to her. I know that if I explain my situation it'll be a weight off the both of us.

"Actually, I want to go first." Y/n is looking at me, anticipating that I shut that idea down. In all of this, I've noticed that Y/N's usual confidence and security has disappeared. In all our years of friendship, I feel as though I've never seen her this open. Y/n is looking at me waiting for my reaction. I nod my head signaling it's more than okay for her to start this conversation.

"I need you to know that nothing happened with Lizzie. We met years ago and I thought maybe. But that was then. She's a good friend and that's all. I am all in with you." At some point she grabbed my hands. Her thumb is rubbing the backs of my palms in a circular motion. I'm so focused on the simple action I almost miss her chuckle to herself. Hearing the sound fall from her lips, I look up at her to catch her gaze. She laughs, "Sorry, I just sounded like the bachelor or something."

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