Living In Harmony

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It was a bright, sunny day. Alberto decided to help the other merfolk with their work. Catching fish, repairing houses and carts, and even helping with gardening. "My, you sure have been busy. How are you feeling?" Helen asked walking up to Alberto with a glass of lemonade. "I'm feeling better now, thanks." Alberto said as he drunk out the lemonade and wiped sweat off his brow. "Speaking of feeling better, how's Maria?" Alberto asked, "She's doing well. Hasn't woken up yet, but I'm sure she'll manage." Said Helen. Alberto took another sip of his lemonade, then he remembered something Jason mentioned to him that had happen in Bristol Cove. "Do you know a guy named 'Jason?'" Alberto asked, "Jason Peterson? Why yes, helped heal them when they were wounded. I take it he told you about the war?" Said Helen, "Yeah, that another tribe came and tried to attack the humans for the water." Alberto said as they began going on another walk, "Yes. Tia was her name. She wanted to get revenge on the humans for what they did to her. It's sad what happened to her and her baby." Said Helen, "What happened to her?" Alberto asked, "She was killed. By Ryn." Said Helen, "Who's Ryn?" Alberto asked, "I am Ryn." Said a short, slender, pale female with black hair and bright, pure, cyan eyes as she approached Alberto and Helen. "Ryn, I like you to meet Alberto Scorfano. He and his friend back there will be staying with us for a while." Said Helen with a smile. Ryn gazed at Alberto for a moment before nodding her head in agreement for him and Maria to stay. "Are you... 'The Alpha?'" Alberto asked. He remembered Jason mentioning The Alpha of the Sirens when they were driving back to his apartment. "I see Jason told you about her as well." Helen said, "Yeah, he said that you were able to keep your people alive after the war." "Yes... Many." Said Ryn. Eliza came up to Ryn and signaled her to follow, "I will be right back." She said and followed Eliza. "So? How was your first meeting with the Alpha?" Helen said, "She's okay for now... She seemed like she was lost in thought or something." "No, she's fine. She's just never met someone like you before." Said Helen as she continued walking. "Hey kid, mind helping us with the fish?" Called Adam, "Sure!" Alberto said as he rushed over to him and started helping them haul a net of fish onto the cart.

Maria POV

It was dark.

It was silent.


There was nothing to touch. Nothing to feel.

Nothing to breathe.

A soft humming came into tune with the air and echoed throughout. 'This song.... I've heard it before...'

Maria began to open her eyes, her vision trying to focus on the color and imagery around her. Once her vision came into view, she saw a familiar woman hovering her hands over Maria's chest where it was covered in bandages. "Eliza?" Maria said; her voice a little faint. Eliza stopped and looked at her; then stood up and backed away as another female approached Maria. She couldn't believe it. After all these years. "Ryn." Maria said and quickly stood up, but the pain from her wound crawled in and began stinging her like a dagger. Maria dropped on her knees as Ryn came to her side, "Your here." Said Maria, "Home." Said Ryn. Maria looked around and the other familiar faces and stood on her knees bowing her head down and opening her hands as a sign of thanks for helping her. Ryn placed her hand on Maria's shoulder and rested her head on hers; Maria did the same as a sign of 'Welcome Home, Family.' Then, like getting smacked in the face, Maria remembered what happened before she woke up and looked up at Ryn, "Alberto?" She asked, "Outside. Helping with fish." Said Ryn as she and Eliza help her to her feet and steadily walked out the door to their small village. She had forgotten what peaceful bliss their home welcomed. Sunshine. Grass. Happiness. She missed it all. Maria took a moment to soak up all this beauty and memories from the past as some tears formed in her eyes. "It's still here. They're all still here." She said trying to hold back the tears. "Ah, she's finally awake." Helen said walking up to Maria. "Helen? Your alive? I thought the military got you." Maria said, "Almost. But not quite." Helen smiled "Come. Let's get you cleaned up." Said Helen as she Ryn and Eliza took Maria to one of the other cabins to get her dressed and replace her bandages.

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