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"Bro, that's so cool. Canada?" Rex scoffed.

"Anong cool doon? Eh, iiwan tayo niyan," Collins then gave me a glare.

I told them about my plan to go to Canada. My grandfather, who was also into photography, owned a photography workshop there. He offered to teach me everything I had to know then he will also pay for my tuition. I was an incoming junior high school. The original plan was to go to the same school with Collins and Rex as we enter our 7th year but I just couldn't let an opportunity like this pass.

Ever since my Lolo let me use his camera, I got addicted to it. I liked taking pictures of almost everything, may sense man o wala. It amazed me how an object can freeze a specific moment. At first, I thought it was just a hobby or maybe a phase but I was wrong. Habang tumatagal mas lalo akong nagkakainteres. Idagdag pa na masyado akong inispoil ng pamilya ko. The moment they saw me had an interest in photography, they bought me different types of camera and lenses. Now that I had an opportunity to take it to the next stage, I immediately grabbed Lolo's offer.

"We have a plan, Nigel. Sa UB tayo mag-ggrade 7. Kailan pa napunta sa Canada ang UB? May Biñan ba roon ha?" patuloy na pagmamaktol ni Col.

"Bro, I'm sorry but I can't just let this go. This is photography we are talking about," I replied as I dribbled the basketball then threw it to the ring.

Hindi pumasok.

"Yeah. Besides, kung ikaw din naman mabibigyan ng opportunity hindi mo ba tatanggapin?" Rex helped me.

"Hindi!" agad na sagot ni Col. "Solid tayong tatlo e. Since grade 1! Grade O-N-E! Tapos biglang may aalis na isa? Ano yun?"

This person is so clingy, I swear.

"It's not like we'll be apart for lifetime. Maybe I'll be back after the workshop? After junior high or before college. I can't be apart from my family forever," I said.

"'Yon naman pala e. Stop whining like a baby, Col," Rex threw the ball to Col.

Sa aming tatlo, Rex is the cool and calm one. He is not dramatic. Lagi lang go with the flow. Hindi madamdamin kagaya ni Collins. Collins is the baby of the group, kahit na ako ang pinakabata sa amin. Masiyahin pero kapag tinopak ang hirap amuhin. Kailangan binabantayan kasi madalas napapaaway, or should I say inaaway?

Eventually, Collins accepted the fact that I had to leave. It was hard to be away from them, since sila lang ang nakasama ko buong elementary, but the sadness was immediately changed by excitement as I enter my Lolo's workshop. There were a lot of students who was as eager as me. Most of them were even better than me. Their skills were almost like the professionals. I didn't mind them though. I went there to sharpen my skills so that was what I did.

Every weekdays, I was in school. Every weekends, in workshop. The whole summer, I spent it by learning more. I didn't came to compete with others but by the end of the year, Lolo announced to everyone that I was the best. I thought the students will react violently and tell that I was just his grandson that's why he said that, but they didn't. They all applauded. They all believed that I really was the best.

I kept my communication with my family and friends. Whenever I had a time, I videocall them. I made sure to always be updated with their lives and not just focus on what I want.

"I miss you, Kuya! It's been two years. When are you coming home?" Tania asked me one night.

"Ah..." I scrolled through my laptop, checking all the photos I took from earlier that day. "Soon."

"Eh! Kuya! You always say that!"

I chuckled at her reaction. "I need more time, Tania. Pinapasama kasi kita noon pero ayaw mo."

All I Want (Capture Series 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon