All about her

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Y/n L/n, a beautiful, brave and talented woman but had a painful past. She patted the child's head, who sat next to her and listened to her story.

Y/n was born in a rich and happy family, her mom was Cana L/n a beautiful woman with long hair and she was always the talk of the town, her father was Mono L/n, he was a caring husband. But the worst was yet to come, Mono cheated on Cana with a younger woman. Cana was broken and almost went crazy. Y/n said, smiled bitterly:

-Gin, Cana usually acted like a crazy person, sometimes she beated me, sometimes she slapped me and sometimes she tried to kill me. That when I was 16, I was scared of my mom, she was just like a monster to me. A cruel monster.

-Sis, but you put up with her for four years, that was unbelievable.- Gin said, confussion on his face. Gin was like a brother to her, she was a nurse in a hospital in Marley, her job was taking care of homeless children like Gin and some disavantaged kids.

-Oh, but when she had her consciousness, she felt regret about her actions and Cana loved me very much. Until she was eaten by a Titan, she did everything to save my life. And I'm always grateful that I had her in my life.

Three years later, when Y/n was 19, Maria wall was attacked by severals Titan, they bursted into the town, crashed everything on their way, her house collapsed and she was stuck in the brick, Cana tried to pull her out, but when they were about to run away, a big red hair Titan approached them. Cana used her body to protect her daughter, the Titan grabbed her and lifted her up, Y/n yelled out her mother name:

-Cana!!!!! No, don't mom, don't go.-She tried to reached out for her mom, but she couldn't, the titan bit her, Cana yelled in pain, some people ran to Y/n and pulled her away.-Mom, don't leave me, I'm begging you, Mom!

Cana looked at her daughter, smiled gently, said her last words:

-Y/n, I love you. I'm sorry for not being a good mother. Forget me, please live a happy life, be an independent woman. Mommy will always love you.-Her voice was shaking and Cana shut up after a few seconds, forever.

When Y/n told the story, she couldn't hold her tears, they streamed down all over her face, she wiped they off but they just wouldn't stop, Gin was confused, he'd never seen her crying before. Behind her, came a man, Zeke gave her a piece of tissue, she nodded and took the tissue from him. Zeke told Gin to go away and sat next to her, patted her back:

-It's alright now, Y/n. Don't be sad.

-I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold my tears, I hate being seen pathetic like this.

-No, I've never looked down on you and I'm sure nobody won't. But you don't have to keep everything to yourself. If there is something you can tell, tell me, I'll keep it a secret.- Zeke zipped up his mouth made her smiled.

-Alright, you promised.-She stared at her watch.-It's time to go, see you later.

-See you.-Zeke waved at her and sat up from the bench, slowly walk out of the hospital, it'd been 3 years since they left Paradis and he still didn't know what happened that night. He exhaled and lifted his glasses. A memory of a little girl sat by the tree in the forest with her bloody body, Zeke heart skipped a beat, the first time she spoke to him, he fell for her. Zeke laughed ironically at himself.


Not too long after her mother death, Y/n joined the Survey Corps and was one of the strongest in the team, she made friend with a crazy scientist named Hanji and they were very closed. One year later, she met Levi for the first time, when they made eyes contact, she could feel like the time stopped and her heart beated faster. She liked him a lot, when she was chosen to be in his team, she was overwhelmed and very happy. But Levi rarely paid any attention to her, he always ignored her and that made her heart ached.

Somebody said, Levi had hatred for her, but Y/n never believed, he always appeared on time and saved her when she was at risk, to her, he was kind.

Till one day, while everyone was sleeping peacefully, the military fired, seemed like someone did it.  Y/n was with Petra that night, the girl fainted because of the smoke, she tried to carried  Petra out but some bricks fell down on her leg and made her injured. She sat in the hall, hopelessly but Levi appeared, she looked at him with watery eyes and hope filled her gaze.

Opposite what she expected, Levi picked Petra up and left the building, Y/n's heart was broken, she closed her eyes, maybe, she was just gonna died here. How pathetic! And finally she knew, she knew that those rumors were right, he hated her, so much.

After that, no one found out Y/n's corpse, Hanji was fainted when she heard the news, she was broke down, couldn't believe that her friend died:

-Why didn't you save her?-She yelled at Levi.-You could have saved her.

-Calm down Hanji, she was badly injured and was a burdern.

-Burdern?-Hanji stepped back, laughed while tears were still falling out from her eyes.-She was your comrade, one of the strongests, she saved many soldiers, she was kind, she had too many dreams to do.

Hanji collapsed onto the ground, wrapped her arms around her head, crying in pain:

-If only I had been a little bit earlier.

The atmosphere was heavy, no one dared to talk, they were sad about her death, she was a kind and a lovely girl.Levi turned to Petra, who was standing next to him with a guilty face:

-Ignore her and don't feel guilty as Y/n had sacrificed her life to save you. It was her decision.

-What the fuck?-Hanji stood up and grabbed Levi by his collar.-How could you say that? My friend died because of you, because of your stupid hatred towards her.

-Hanji, let him go.-Erwin ordered.-Moblit, take her to the campsite.

-Yes, yes sir.-Moblit pulled Hanji away while she was cursing at Levi. Erwin told Levi to follow him, he asked why did Levi do it. All because of Mono- Y/n's father, Levi used to have a friend called Christ when he live underground, one day, Christ was caught when he tried to steal Mono's mistress's jewerly and was killed in front of him. Although he knew that it wasn't Y/n fault, it still haunted him every night and it grew his hatred towards her. Erwin slightly sighed, patted his back and left, Levi stayed still with no emotion on his face. But no one knew that, he started to feel guilty, the way she looked at him that night, he would never forget. That poor gaze, she asked for help, her eyes reddened and filled with hope, but he turned her down, her eyes were shaking, they were filled with confusion and hopelessness. 

He let her die, he would never forget his cruel behaviour.

He let her die, now she would haunt him every night, be in his nightmares.

He let her die, and now he regreted it.

Tears streamed down on his face, he collapsed to the ground and cried. He couldn't do anything.

-----------End flashback-------------

Y/n laid on her back, stared at the starry night. She'd left Paradis for three years, sometimes she wanted to comeback to visit her hometown but she didn't have an encourage to do so. She was scared. 

Y/n sighed and closed her eyes, whispered to herself that tomorrow would be a better day and fell asleep. Till now, she was still haunted by severals nightmares and couldn't get rid of it.


Author's note:

Hi, I'm Mimin, and if it's the first time you read my story, drop a vote, thank you.

So about the story, I've come up with an idea that I will rewrite it and I think this is gonna be a short story. I've planned to named this "Love to hate me" but it didn't sound right so I just kept its old name. And if you wanna know why its name is 'Dumb' then add it to your list.

Thanks for reading my story and don't forget to visit and follow my account for more.

Best wishes.

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