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Y/n sat up, eyes wide opened in surprised, and also the others around her. Hanji bit her lips, her eyes reddened:

-Answer me, is that Y/n L/n?-Y/n didn't say anything, she sighed and covered her face in her hands. Hanji started to lose her patience, she shouted.-I said answer.

-Don't shout at me.-Y/n glared at her.-Yes, I am, I'm Y/n L/n, so what?

Hanji slightly sniffed and hugged her, she finally shed a tear, Levi and Zeke stayed silent. Y/n looked down, she felt guilty, Hanji didn't do anything wrong but she left her behind, Y/n hugged her back, patted her back gently.

-I'm sorry..

Connie bursted into the door with tears in his eyes, he said, his voice shaking, people in the room were dumbfounded, Y/n stared around, she could feel it, hurt, silence and confusion:

-Sasha died! These kids killed her.-Behind him was two kids, they seemed similar to her. Wasn't that Falco and Gabi-Gin's friends? They faced each other in confusion, Gabi was furious after knowing that Zeke'd betrayed Marley, but the kid then turned to Y/n and asked her:

-Y/n, where is Gin? Is he safe and why you're here?

Y/n didn't say anything, just shook her head, Gabi tilted her head, extremly dumbfounded, the girl slightly gulped and glared at the people surrounded her. Gabi lifted her face and shouted at Y/n as she wanted to approach and attack her, but Connie quickly held her back:

-You let him die, didn't you? How could you do that? Did you betray us too? Did you listen to the Paradis's evils?

-Shut up!-Floch shouted at Gabi, the kid was freak out and didn't dare to talk. They stayed on the fly boat and went back to Paradis in dead silence. Y/n looked at Hanji, the one who sat in front of her, totally exhauted, she was about to say something but Hanji shut her up, she said that they could talk later.


Sasha was given a proper burial after coming back the island, Y/n stood in front of the headstone, praying for the unlucky girl. Although she didn't know her, Y/n still felt a bit ruefull for the girl, and the worst was she was killed by a kid, also from Paradis.

Zeke was "prisoned" in the forest in wall Maria, they told he wasn't reliable and she sometimes had doubt about him, Y/n saw that Zeke had some weird actions recently, but she didn't know exactly what would the man do.

Y/n stepped out of the cementary, waiting for Hanji, silently sighed. Okay, now she came back to Paradis and what next, went to visit her father? Yeah, maybe, she hadn't been home for three years, her father must be older since the last time she saw him. She smiled to herself, she used to hate her father very much, what made her care about him now? Maybe the guilty feeling in her heart for living her father behind. 

Living and working in Marley made her realise that how important family was to her. She thought about her happy family every night, and her dad, of course he left her mother and married his mistress, but she was and always was his daughter. Course he was busy but always visited her at weekend, always. The smile on her face faded away, she leaned on the wall and a tear fell out from her beautiful eyes.

-So, he died.-Y/n said emotionlessly, standing in front of her father's bed. She knew, she knew it.

-He'd been waiting for you for so long, until one day, he couldn't wait another second.-Hanji said, handed her a letter from Mono- her dad.-He'd volunteered all his property and only kept this house.

-Mm, cause this house was where we used to have a happy family. A small wooden house but always full with warmth and love.- Y/n took the letter and put it into her pocket.- I'll read it later, let clean up this place first.

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