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Hanji with Y/n, Jean, Mikasa, Armin and Connie went to Nicolo's restaurant, since the upgrade doubted that some Marley volunteers betrayed Paradis. Especially after Floch's treachery- an idiot from the Survey Corps, Y/n sighed, she just had come back to Paradis a few days ago but everything here was welter. "Shit!" She cursed under her breathe.

-Do you think Nicolo is a spy Y/n?-Hanji asked, her face was a bit disappointed.

-I don't know, but I think he isn't.

-I think the possibility is very low Hanji.-Armin said, Hanji turned to him, tilted her head. 

Y/n stayed silent, who knew, maybe he was but maybe he wasn't. But as what she saw, Nicolo cried over Sasha's death, that meant he loved her a lot, so as she guessed, he couldn't be a spy. Y/n slightly frowned, her head ached as if a hammer was banging into it.

-Are you okay?- Jean asked, he saw the expression on her face.

-I need to use the restroom, can I?-Y/n asked her friend- Hanji, she nodded. Y/n quickly went strainght to the restroom. Exhausted, she collapsed on the floor, Y/n glutched her fists, what the the hell was going on.-Not it again, I don't wanna lose anyone again, please don't.

Y/n cried like a child, Hanji, Levi and everybody. When all of this would end? That was a no replied question, may be, they had to fight for it, an end for all of it. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard Floch's voice, he was here but everyone was upstairs. Y/n stayed silent, listened carefully their footsteps sound, a moment later, she heard Hanji spoke up, they might be put in a passive position. Y/n quickly hid in a room in the restroom:

- Tch, they are in danger now, but if I go outside, it likes I'm willingly to die.-She whispered to herself.- The wiset choice now is to find a way to get out the restaurant first. God bless me, I don't have any weapon.

But she heard that they were going to go to the forest, where Zeke was prisoned. Levi was there too, but was it okay, Y/n knew that Levi was strong, he could handle all these people but it wasn't today. She felt like something bad had happened to him while she was away. However, her house was near the forest, and on the second floor contained variety of weapons that Hanji had given her a week ago. It may help.

The rebels went into the forest, Y/n quickly ran into her house, all the weapons were there, she slightly smiled to herself.

-Okay, Y/n there's no time for hesitation, let's get out of here as soon as possible.-Y/n took with her a gun, some thunder spears and grenades.-This gonna be a big explosion!

A metal object catched her eye, it was a dagger that her father gave her when she joined the Survey Corps, but she put it away as in the corps, they didn't use knife or dagger, but it gave her power now. Y/n picked it up, shoved it in her pocket. "Thanks dad, please give me the power to save my comrades."

Her door house was opened violently, Y/n hid hersefl behind the containers. Who the hell were they? Did they know that break into a woman house was fucking impolite? " Those shitheads" Y/n cursed under her breath, she heard Floch's voice and footsteps near the weapon room. They were looking around the house to check if she was hidding inside.

-Hey, can we just go now, I don't wanna waste my time anymore.-Zeke said, Y/n eyes wide opened, why Zeke was here, how about Levi.-And by the way, breaking into a woman house is impolite.

-Sure, but Y/n would be a harm to us.

-No, she wouldn't, she gave up fighting three years ago.

-Are you sure?-Floch asked doubtfully.

-Of course, I don't wanna ruin my plan. Now let's go.-Floch odered his inferior to leave the house, Y/n relieved a breathe. God! Zeke saved him again, but she wouldn't thank him this time, and what was he going to to. What plan?

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