Be with you.

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The next day, they seperated into two groups, Pieck would rescue Jean, Onyakopon and Yelena while the other would stay in the forest to discuss the plan. According to what they saw last night, Eren was going to destroy the world and they gotta stop him.

Y/n sat next to Levi, rubbed the bridge of her nose, right now everyone was gathering all nine titans, but next, what would they do. The atmosphere was deadly silient, Y/n slightly sighed:

-I cannot think straight? When will Hanji come back? And how about you, Levi and commander?

-I don't know, all we can do now is sit and wait for them to comeback, Y/n.-The commander said.

Y/n nodded, she looked at the man next to, he was silent all the time, interweaving her hands into his, Y/n spread her warmth into his cold hands. Y/n was scared, she felt afraid for no reason, she would die if she went on fighting with them, she had many things to do. Right, Y/n could leave them behind and run, she would live. Y/n bit her underlip, a memory ran through her mind.


 Y/n went out of gas when she was fighting ad she fell on the ground, all her comrades weren't near there, in front of her stood many titans and she felt regret about her decision. But her instincts didn't allow her to give up, Y/n still held the sword tightly to fight agaisnt the Titans, unfortunately, the sword broke. Y/n's eyes wide opened, she turned around and started to run:

-I shouldn't have joined the Survey Corspe, now I will die. I should have a better life.-Tears fell down on her face nonstop. Y/n kept running and in the nick of time, she collapsed on the ground, she was exhausted now she just let them eat her alive. But they never came, waited for too long but nothing happened, Y/n lifted her face, Levi was standing towards her, his face showed no expression.

-Why are you sitting here? You were about to suicide?

-But I went out of gas and my sword broke, what can I do?-Y/n answered, slightly frowned as she looked down her left leg, it swelled up and painful.From afar, many titans were running to their position.-You should leave now if you don't wanna be eaten up alive.

-Okay, if that's what you want.-Y/n smiled bitterly to herself, she thought that he would say something else like "I won't leave you behind" or " I won't". But Levi gently bent down, grabbed her waist and picked her up, used his gear to climb up the tree and came to their comrades' position.

The sky became darker, they came back the military, Y/n stepped out of her room and went straight to Levi's room, she wanted to thank him for saving her today. She slightly knocked on the door:

-Who's that?

-It's Y/n, can I come in? I have something to say to you.

-Come in.-Y/n opened the door and walked inside the room, Levi was doing his paperwork, he lifted his face to look at her.-What do you need?

-I, uh, thank you captain for saving me today.-She bowed.

-Don't need to.-He said, kept doing his work.-But I heard what you said while chasing after you. Cadet Y/n, you regret about your decisions?

-I,I just, I'm sorry.-Y/n looked down, that was right, she had nothing to explain. Levi stood up and came to her, put a hand on her shoulder.

-There will be sometimes you think and regret about what you've done, but this is life and everybody needs to move on. -He pressed his forehead to hers, Y/n was taken aback and confused, her face heated on. Levi smirked.-And by the way, I don't like cowards.

------End flashback-------

Levi used to say he didn't like coward and neither did she. She lifted his hand and put a gentle kiss on it:

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