Sorry sis, happy birthday.

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It was a peaceful morning as usual but today, Y/n had a weird feeling, it was like a fire burning in her chest. Y/n sat on the table silently, staring outside the window. Gin went out from his room, he just woke up:

-Sis, why are you up so soon? You don't have any shift today, do you?

-Yeah, Gin, I just can't sleep, don't worry.-She lifted her cup, the handle suddenly broke and the cup fell on the floor. Coffee spilled all her white dress, Gin eyes widened and he looked at her worriedly.-Y/n, what happened?

-I'm fine, go back to your room. Right now!-Y/n said, avoided the child's gaze. Gin slightly nodded and went out the kitchen. She cleaned the mess, her hand shaking, something bad would happen soon.

Going out the kitchen, Gin was sitting on the couch, reading newspaper, Y/n came to him, gave him his breakfast, Gin thanked her:

-Thank you, but can I ask you one thing?

-Yes, darling.-Y/n said, she sat down next to him.

-Tonight the Tybur Family will have a present at the town square, can I go there? Gabi and Farco will also be there too. Can I go please?-He looked at her with stary eyes, Y/n's heart skipped a bit, she smiled and patted his head.

-Alright, just be careful. It will be crowded and you may be injured.-She gave him a small knife, Gin was a bit surprised, he slightly frowned.

-What is this for?

-Self-defense, cause I won't go with you tonight.- She said and stood up, put on her coat and hat.-I'm going to go to the market, remember to clean the dishes after finishing your breakfast. 

Y/n stepped out the house, went straight to the market, on the way she went, she could heard some people talked about the news tonight. She sighed, it mustn't be a good thing, maybe a declaration of war, she'd never believed in them, the Marley hated her but she just didn't like them, some were nice and some weren't.

When Y/n returned home, it was nearly 12, Gin wasn't home, he might be playing outside with his friends.

------------------------Somewhere else--------------------------------

-Ready?-The man asked, staring at the dark sky.

-Yeah, I'm done, just wait for the others, tonight we'll go to Marley to rescue him.-The woman said, shrugged her shoulders.

-I hope that brat would stop doing something stupid like this again. We've lost so many comrades.-He ticked.

-Alright, we'll talk about it later. Let's go.


Y/n was still sleeping in her room, she felt exhausted for no reason, Gin was still outside with the kids, so the house was eerily silent. She slowly opened her eyes, staring at the ceiling, her chest was burning, she couldn't breath. It was 6pm, the ceremony might start now. She went off her bed, the house shaking, Y/n fell on the ground, the flower vase on the top of the cabinet fell down and made her injured. She cursed under her breathe and quickly ran out. To a person who used to be a soldier and used to live on Paradis, she knew exactly that wasn't an Earthquake but a Titan.

The town was covered in blood, screaming and smoke from everywhere. Y/n was panic, she stood up and ran everywhere to find Gin, she knew it. She regreted letting him go, what if something bad happened to him.

Fortunately, she found out Gin, he sat on the floor, besides many corpses. Y/n bent down next to him and hugged the boy, he hugged her back, Gin cried and said:

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