Levi's diary, life after married(1)

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Page 1: Troublesome wife.

-Hey, wake up Y/n.-Levi shook the sleeping woman, she slightly frowned and looked at him with her sleepy face. Levi patted his wife's head, they'd married for two months and he had to agreed that she was a troublesome wife.

Hugged her husband from behind, she burried her face into his neck, inhaled the scent from his clothes, she was obssessed with it. Levi turned back and put a kiss on Y/n's forehead.

-How are you today?-Y/n asked, sat next to her husband sitting on his wheelchair, it was just a daily question for Levi. He nodded and took a sip of tea.-I'll take you out today!

-Again?-Levi rolled his eyes, staying at home all the time wasn't a good iead and neither going out with her. Last time, maybe yesterday or three days ago, she took him out to a clothes shop to pick him some clothes, then she left him at the shop and came home alone just because she forgot. Forcing him to play with some children in Historia's orphanage or rambling with him about her hobbies, the sky, children and food. All just for the smile on his face.

-I'm not gonna bother you, I've been bothering you enough these days. But I'll take you to Gabi and Falco, they'll take care of you.-Y/n went to their room and changed into a pastel blue dress, put on her beige coat and hat. She gave Levi his vest and newsboy hat, she pushed the wheelchair to the door and locked it carefully before going to visit Gabi and Falco.

-I can take care of myself, we don't have to bother the kids.-Levi said, stared at her. Y/n smiled at him but didn't reply, Levi sighed and opened the newspaper. Thirty minutes passed and they were in front of Gabi's house, Y/n knocked the door, a teenage girl opened and excitedly hugged her, behind her was Falco, he slightly nodded at Y/n. She left Levi at their house and left.

-What is she going to do?-Falco asked, rarely he saw Y/n went out without Levi. Levi shrugged his shoulder and looked at Gabi, but she also didn't know.

-Last night, she went to my house and asked if I could look after you the next day. You're such a big baby brother.-Gabi smirked at him, levi scoffed.

-No, i'm not, it was all her intention. She acted kinda weird reccently.

-Maybe, she's gonna make a surprised party for you?-An idea popped up in Falco's mind.

-That's nonsense, Falco, it's just a normal day today. It's not my or her birthday, not anniversary or anything.-They all stopped to think.-But she'll be okay.

Levi sat by the window, eyes stared at the outside view, the street was packed with people and the loud noise. Didn't know why, but Levi felt empty without his wife, he hadn't heard her voice for nearly half of the day. Gabi looked at him and glanced at Falco, then she dragged Falco to another room, the boy slightly frowned and whispered with the girl:

-What are you doing Falco?

-Don't you see that?

-See what?-Gabi sighed and slapped the boy, he held his cheek in pain, she pointed at the man sitting by the window.-Okay, now I see, so what?

-Dumbass, he looks exhausted and sad! 

-Of course he is.-Falco rose his voice.-He stays with her everyday but today she isn't with him, so of course he feels empty and boring. Just like me one day with out you.

-Cheesy.-Gabi knocked on the boy's head, he held his head.-Stop talking bullshit and make him some tea.

-Yes, ma'am.

Two hours, three hours and five hours passed, it was dark outside and Levi was still waiting for her. He tapped his finger on the wheelchair impatiently:

-God, why she hasn't come yet? Has anything happened to her?- Levi wheeled his wheelchair to the door and was about to open it, but Falco stopped him.

-Where are you going? Calm down big bro, she'll come back soon.-The man sighed and backed into the house, kept waiting.

An hour passed, there was a knock on the door, Gabi opened it and Levi became excited as the woman he'd been waiting for had appeared. Y/n put her hands on her knees and gasped, she grinned at him and wiped off her sweat:

-I'm sorry for being late, thank you Falco, Gabi.-They nodded at her, Y/n and Levi went home, the man was mad, he didn't say anything, Y/n grinned at him made Levi frowned.

-What are you grinning at? Is it funny to be without me the whole day?-He pouted but hid his face, unfortunately, Y/n saw it clearly.

-Don't be mad, my big baby! I miss you too.-She leaned forward and put a kiss on his cheek, Levi's face heated on, he glanced at his wife as if he wanted her to do that again. Y/n smiled and kissed him again.-You're such a shy prince!

-No, I'm not!-He scoffed, they approached their home, Y/n opened the door and pushed him inside, Levi was slightly surprised, the house was clean and neat and fragant. She looked at his wife, who was grinning excitedly at him.

-Look!-She took him to the living room, there was his old uniform hanging in a glass closet, next to it was his photos with his old comrades, hanging out, next to the closet was an extra feather broom and some cleaning supplies.-I think you will be bored staying at time with me all day so I made you this, you can stare at it everyday if you're bored.

-Y/n.-Levi was dumbfounded, eyes staring at the photos especially the photo he sat next to her when Y/n was still in the corps, she smiled excitedly next to a stoic-face Levi. Y/n came to him with a big present.

-Here is your favourite tea, I've bought many so you won't be frustrated when you run out of it.-Levi laughed, Y/n was taken aback by his sudden action.-What? You don't like it?

-Yes I do.-He wiped off the happy tear in his eye.-I'm just so happy. Come here Y/n.

Y/n came to him, Levi stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly, slightly patted and put a kiss on her forehead:

-Thank you.

-Levi, you've thanked me the wrong way, this is better.-Y/n held his face and kissed his lips then grinned at him. Levi looked away as his face reddened made Y/n laughed louder.


-Yeah, and you love a pervert.-She bent down and cupped his shy face.-Gabi told me that you were sad this morning, was that because I left you alone?

-...-Levi stayed silient but admitted.-Yes, I missed you so bad. Don't leave me alone next time.

-Awwwwww, my husband is adorable.-Y/n hugged him and burried her face in his chest.-I won't do it again honey, I think I've so obssessed with you.

-You such a troublesome wife.-Levi stroke her hair and smiled at her.-Let's go to sleep, it's late babe.


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