Without you.

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-Right now, I'll approach Eren, it's time for you to jump.-Onyakopon said as he flied the plane to the top of the titan, everyone jumped out, they attacked and sliced the neck of beast titan but turned out it was just a shell and Zeke was nowhere found.

-As I predicted, Zeke'd hid his body like the war hammer titan used to do. I'm gonna flow up this whole place right now. Please leave.-Armin said and was about to transfer but behind him, another titan looked like a pig (or something that I don't know, cause it's weird) caught him and ran away.

-It stole Armin.-Y/n said, extremely shock.-We must take him back.

The team fought with the titans but there was too much, the soldiers were cornered, but they kept fighting, all was for humanity. Y/n turned back, many titans rushed to her, she quickly jumped up and sliced their nape. They were put in a chaotic situation, Y/n slightly bit her lips, what should they do. Armin was caught and everybody here was fighting in desperation.

-Levi!-She shouted at him, the man saved Connie and was bitten by a titan, he coughed out blood and the two fell down, Y/n's eyes went widen but something caught her eye . Y/n frowned, wasn't that Annie and why was she riding on a bird's back. Annie saw her and gestured her to jump down, Levi and Connie landed safely on the bird's back,they approached Reiner and Jean position, Annie put out an arm to catch them.

Y/n went to Levi, gently held his hand:

-You're injured.

-I'm fine, I can still fight.-Levi pushed her hand out.-We'll seperate into two groups, one will rescue Armin and the other will purse and attack Eren's nape at the same time.

-I'll go with Jean and Reiner.-Everyone looked at Y/n in confusion, Levi refused but she cut him off before he could say anything.-I'm an excellent soldier, so don't need to worry, I won't die.

Y/n fixed her hair and jumped down with Jean and Reiner, but she left too soon to see the tears in Levi's eyes, the man closed his eyes and prayed for her.

-Jean keep moving forward, I'll follow after and support for you.-Y/n said, took out her sword and sliced the all the titans on their way. On the other hand, Jean and Pieck attacked the titans near the nape of the founder titan. Y/n gasped, the quantity was so different, till now she'd fought with dozens of titans and she felt a bit exhausted.

-Y/n!-Jean shouted out at her, Y/n turned back and saw a war hammer titan approaching her, but before she could fight back, a sharp stick grazed through her body. She frowned at the injury, it wans't too deep but the blood wouldn't stop bleeding, Y/n gritted her teeth, supressed her pain and quickly cut the titan's nape. Jean approached her and picked her up then waved for Levi.

-Put me down Jean, I can handle this.

-No, this is too dangerous.-Levi approached them and took Y/n from Jean's embrace, he gazed at her furiously but didn't say anything.

-Is it hurt badly?-He finally spoke up.

-No,it's...-Y/n coughed out blood, she gasped.-It's not very deep, just grazed through the right hip.

-Sit still.-He said and gave her a handkerchief, his expression was a little surprised, Y/n followed his gaze, some of the titans were helping them, she slightly smiled at them, finally magic happened.

-Oi, I'm here Levi. It's because you wanna meet me, I don't want to.-Zeke waved at him and Y/n, he then shouted out at her.-Y/n, I'm sorry but thanks for being my friend and live a long life.

Levi approached him and cut his head off, Y/n coughed harder, she held her chest and waved at Zeke the last time before she fainted. The rumbling stopped and Jean successfully detonated the nape of founder titan. They jumped in Falco's back and flied away.

Levi carried her down and laid her on a wall nearby, gently tuck some hair on her face, his cold hands grabbed her:

-It's finally end Y/n, when you wake up, there won't be any pain or loss.

Eren was still alive after the explosion, and from the glowing thing gave off a smoke, Levi looked at Y/n, shed a tear cause he knew exactly what it was, he ran away and grabbed Pieck then pulled she on Falco's back. He ordered him to fly away from this as soon as possible, Pieck painfully yelled out for her dad:

-Calm down Pieck, I know the pain that you have to suffer right now.-He said, glanced at the girl laying on the ground, a tear fell out from his eye. He hated that, he hated it so much. But he had to left her and his comrades behind, all just because he wanted to save his world. " And once again, I have to leave without you Y/n".-So just calm down, our target is right in front of us.


-Y/n, Y/n wake up.-She slowly opened her eyes, her mom was calling for her.-Wake up darling, you cannot keep going, comeback.

In front of her, stood her parents, her mother was streching out her arms, Y/n stood up and ran to her, sobbed into her chest, Cana slightly patted her kid's head.

-Mom, dad, what are you doing here? How are you? Are you okay? 

-We've made up darling and we are totally fine.-Her dad smiled at her, Y/n wiped off her tears and looked at them.

-So that means I'm dead?-She asked, slightly gulped and looked down on her feet, tears streamed down her face. Her mother shook her head and hugged her.

-You're not die yet, that's why we're hear. Open your eyes Y/n and comeback to the real world.

Right after her mom finished her sentence, Y/n fell into a dark tunnel and it was like she was sucked back out. Y/n opened her eyes, smoke surrounded her, she quickly covered her nose but there wasn't any titans and Eren also disappeared. She stood up and ran around to find her friends:
-Levi? Annie? Pieck? Armin? Where are you guys?
-Here Y/n.- Connie waved at her, he was crying. She came to him and he told her the whole story.
-He's our hero. Wish i could talk to him once.-She said, slightly put on a sad smile.- Everything was just like a nightmare, we fought and killed each other, but Eren woke us up.
Jean nodded, and patted Connie's shoulder:
-All the titans are disappeared that means your mom must have been turned back to a human, Connie.
-Really, i've gotta go home now. I wanna meet her so bad.
Connie cried out in happy, Y/n stood up. There was some one she needed to find and she relieved a breathe when she saw him leaning on a big rock, smiling while a tear streaming down his face. She stepped to him, Levi lifted his face and looked at her with watery eyes:
-Y/n, you finally come. Can you just take me with you? I realised that my life would be meaningless without you.- he sobbed, Y/n bent down next to him and cupped his face.- I dont wanna live a life without you.
-Don't cry, I'm here now.- She hugged him, let him cry in her chest.- Is there anything you wanna say at your very last moment.
-Yes.- Levi hesitated, his face heated on.- I ..I love you.
-I love you too, we should've told each other earlier.-she lifted his face and put a kiss on his lips, Levi was surprised but kissed back.-We were too dumb to realise until we lost each other. But I'm glad that we still have time to start again.
-That's right. Take me with you. If we cant live together then let's die together.
Y/n laughed at him, Levi tilted his head, she grabbed his hand and put it in front of him:
-Captain Levi, look! I havent died yet, I can touch you, you see?- Seeing the confusion on his face made Y/n laughed even harder.- I was just kidding a bit but you're cheesy more than I expected.
Levi glanced at her, y/n thought he would scold her or something, but opposite, he just hugged her and whispered into her ear:
-Welcome home Y/n.

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