Beauty and the beast.

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Y/n slowly opened her eyes and slightly frowned because of the sunlight, she saw a young man with blonde hair, sitting next to her. Y/n jumped a bit, tried to sat up but she couldn't her body was hurt:

-Don't do anything, just lie there and relax. You're gonna be okay soon.-He looked at her, gently smiled at her.-Don't be scared, I found you in while I was wondering in the forest last night.

-Thank you.-She turned away, last night memory flew into her mind, her heart ached. She didn't know he hated her that much. Gradually, she realised that she'd fallen for him. What a shit? The man saw her painful expression, he grabbed her hand and spoke up:

-I don't know what you've suffered last night, but everything is alright now. Why don't you eat something? I'll cook you some soup. Is it alright?

-Uh, no, thanks. I'm not hungry. But I haven't seen you before. Where are you from?

-Me? Hmmm, let's see. I'm from a big country which has sea and many modern things. Oh yes, it's like this country but it's more modern than yours.

She was surprised at first, but she chuckled, Zeke tilted his head curiously:

-You say as if you're from the outside world. If it were real, I also want to see the ocean. My dad said it was pretty and salty?

-That's right. Oh, I forgot, I'm Zeke Yaeger, what's your name?

-I'm Y/n L/n. Is this your house, it's beautiful and clean too.

-Actually, I just moved here yesterday, the house is still messy, especially upstairs. I've gotta go now, relax Y/n.- Zeke came out of the room, she laid on her bed, her eyes closed. Last night, she used all of her strenght to run out of the building and jumped out through the window. Although it wasn't too high, she still had some injuries and she was bandaged by a kind man. Y/n smiled ironically at her, her life just liked a story but would it have a happy ending? Nobody knew.

-----------On the other hand--------------

Levi sat on the training ground, staring at the sky and thinking. A tear fell down from his eyes, he quickly wiped it off. Sat next to him was Hanji, she was sad, but her gaze wasn't fierce as yesterday:

-I'm sorry for being rude yesterday.-She spoke up, glanced at him. Levi slightly sniffed, he looked away.

-You don't need to, it was my fault. I let her die. How cruel?-Levi smirked at himself. The two stayed silent till Hanji stood up and left the ground. 

A man bursted into the military with a watery face, he shouted at Erwin and tried to find for someone. He fell on the floor, cried and yelled in pain, he hugged his chest:

-Where is my daughter? Where's Y/n? I must find her.-He looked around but she wasn't there, just Hanji.-Hanji, where is my daughter? I heard someone said that she died in the fire last night. It's just rumor right, my daughter is one of the strongests in the team, she cannot....

-I'm sorry Mr.L/n. Y/n died.-Hanji bit her underlip and looked at the poor man crying on the ground. Behind her, Levi came, Mono- Y/n's father looked up, Levi spoke up, the man's face went red and he stood up and grabbed his neck.

-You fucking asshole, how could you do that?-Everybody tried to seperated him out of Levi, made Levi fell to the ground, he stood up and wiped off the blood on his face.-What did Y/n do to you? You freaking monster!

-Do you still remember Christ? The boy was beaten to death five years ago.-Mono's eyes widened. are that brat's friend, aren't you?-He collapsed to the ground, hugged his head and laughed like a psycho.-Jesus, that was my fault, if you hate me that much, then kill me. How could you do that to my daughter? Y/n promised to visit me on her day off and she would go fishing with me.

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