Can we be together?

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Another morning in Paradis, Y/n had joined the Survey Corps since Hanji suggested her. The atmosphere in the city became heavy than before after they prisoned Eren, she sat on the chair opposite Hanji-the girl was exhausted with many things just happened.

-Are you okay? Need to rest?-Y/n asked, handed her a cup of water.

-No girl, I'm fine. But the citizens won't stop protesting to letting Eren go and that makes me tired. How can we let him walk in the city like a normal person after he attacked Liberio?

Y/n let out a sigh and looked out the window, many people were out there and like Hanji said, they won't stop yelling.

-He has changed a lot. Nobody knows what he will do so now we've gotta considere him as a danger for our country.

-That's bad Hanji but what will you do with the crowd?

-Nothing, I'm tired girl maybe I'll do as you say. I'll take a break.

-Yeah, I'm going out.

Y/n waved at her friend and left the office. She went to the market, bought some food and flowers then went back to her house. She stayed with Hanji in her office for three days but when she came home, the house was surprisingly clean. Y/n ticked her tongue, it must be him. Actually, she was no longer angry with him but still felt a bit embarrassed talking to him.

She took the foods out and started cooking, Y/n made Zeke a bento, cause however, Zeke was a closed friend to her and he was kind too, of course Zeke was also romantic but he just not her type. Y/n couldn't hold but let out a sigh.

She closed the door and opened her umbrella, it was midday and super hot. Y/n went through the forest, although it had no stream, who cared cause the green of the trees here already drew up a magnificent picture.Wind blew through her hair and naughtily played with it, she waved back at her comrades who were standing on the branches as they waved at her.

Zeke was sitting opposite Levi, who was staring at him nonstop:

-Hey Y/n, come here!-Zeke said.-God Y/n, Levi keeps staring at me and he wouldn't stop, that's weird.

-Shut up, filthy monkey.-Levi said, stood up and turned away.-I'm gonna leave you some place, but be careful monkey. If you dare to escape, I'll slice you into pieces.

-Yeah sure captain Levi.-Zeke mocked, Levi gave him a sharp glare and went away, Y/n sighed and elbowed him.-Alright, I'm sorry, let's see what you made for me!

-It's just the foods you usually eat as I thought you would have many difficulties while being prisoned here.-She handed him his bento and sat next to him.

-This is amazing! I've been longing for your food badly these days.- Zeke then paid attention to an extra bento.-Uh, by the way, why there is an extra bento?

-Nevermind, I'll come back later. Enjoy your lunch.-Y/n stood up, take the bento with her and ran away, left behind a confusing Zeke waving at her.

Stepped into the forest, lost between green trees, Y/n tried to find out Levi. He must be near here. Sat on the tree branch nearby, the man stared at her, didn't bother to speak up or maybe she would find out soon. 

-Oi, I'm here.-Levi spoke up, Y/n took a long time looking for him and he started to lose his patience. The girl looked up and was surprised seeing him sitting on the branch that she had gone through for many times.

-Oh my god, I didn't see you. I'm sorry.

-No need to.-Levi rolled his eyes.-Is there anything you need Ms.L/n?

-I, uh, can we talk for a minute?

Levi didn't reply but used his gear to approach her and brought her up the branch. Y/n was taken aback by his sudden action, his hand grabbed her waist while her arms wrapped his neck tightly, at that point, Levi let out a faint smile but it quickly faded away so nobody could see it.

Settled down on the branch, Y/n gave him his lunch box, Levi took it and stared at her curiously:

-What is this for?

-Thanks...for cleaning the house for me while I wasn't home and sorry.

He sighed, he should have been the one who apologized her, he shouldn't be mad at her three days ago. That was silly.

-Actually, I should sorry you for what I've said three days ago. I mean, that hurted you right?

-A bit, but I'm okay now. So did we make it up? -Y/n hestitated, she looked down, avoided the man's gaze.

-We did. -Levi said.- Why this looks different from the monkey's lunch box?

-What? You don't like it. I've spent an hour making yours.-Y/n pouted at the man, Levi tilted his head and smiled at her made her speechless.-God!

-Thak you, Y/n.

-No, no no no, Levi. You... you just smiled right? Jesus, it's rare to see you smile like that. Do it again.-The girl yelled out in excited, Levi turned away, his face heated on.

-Once is enough, eat your lunch.

-Hey, no. I can skip my lunch just to see you smile.-Y/n put down her lunch and leaned to Levi,pinched his cheeks. 

-Let go Y/n, be mature.-The man said in difficulty, staring at the grinning girl. Y/n shook her head, he let out a sigh.-Okay, just one more time.

Y/n took her hands off his face, Levi hestiated for a while then smiled at the girl. Y/n's eyes wide opened, felt like she had electricity in her body and couldn't stop staring at him. Embarrassing, Levi used his hands to cover his red face.

-Adorable!-Y/n yelled but Levi gestured her to be quiet, the girl grinned at him and took out a bottle, poured it out and gave to him.-Here you go, black tea.

-Thank you.

-You should smile more Levi, that makes you look more handsome.

-So now I'm ugly?

-No, that not what I mean!-Y/n rose her voice, glared at the man made he laughed at her.

-I know, don't be mad. However, thanks for the lunch and for making me laugh.

-You're welcome. How's the food?

-Good, but it'll be better with some black tea.- He gave her the cup.

-Hey, Levi.-Y/n spoke up, Levi hummed.-I know it's embarrassing to ask this but, maybe you know, like, after these things are solved. Can we...

Not let her finish her sentence, a comrade from afar called for Levi and made her stop. He answered and stood up, he took her down and gave her the empty lunch box then flew away using his gear. Y/n stood there disapointedly, she looked down at her foot and a tear streamed down from her eye:

-Can we be together?

Y/n went home and tiredly cleaning her house, fell out from the lunch box a piece of paper, she picked it up and opened it, it was from Levi. She slowly read it, her heart beated as if it wanted to jumped out of her chest.

"Hey, Y/n,

Thanks for your lunch, it's actually delicious and I miss your dishes so much, and sorry for being rude to you.

Uh, next time when everything is solved and if the monkey is honest, we'll let him out and may I take you out for dinner?"

-Oh my god!!!!!-Y/n shouted at the air and jumped up delightedly.-Levi asked me out for dinner. Oh really, or am I dreaming?

While the girl was screaming in her house, in the forest, the coldfish man sat on a branch slightly smirked as he thought of his sweetheart. But Levi was still wonder, what was she about to say, can we what? But a voice cut off his thought and brought he back to reality, at the moment, invergorated the monkey was the top priority, he sighed and gritted his teeth:

-Stupid monkey, you're such a pain in the ass.

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