Chapter 4

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Title- Oops. Bryan's Home!
Number of words- 970

I woke up next to the most beautiful boy in the world. I can't believe I almost lost him. "Hey baby. Wake up sunshine." I say, lightly rubbing his back.

"Meerrrr." he groans while burying his face in my chest.

"Come on sleepy head, we need to go eat. I'm huungryyy." I giggle

"What about school?" He asks sleepily

"It's the Monday of spring break." I giggle

All of the sudden he jumps out of bed only to fall right back down on to the floor. Between laughs I ask,"what the hell just happened, babe?" I go down on the floor and laid next to him.

He blushes and looked at the floor. "my ass hurts." he mumbles. I look at him for a second and then just break out laughing.

"Awww, I'm sorry love, I thought you liked it." I say a little sad-like

He looks at me and then jumps on me, pinning my arms down. "I never said I didn't like it." he whispers in my ear.

"Oh ha ha." I say, looking at his lips and steeling a quick kiss. He looks shocked, but that fades to a beautiful smile.

"Oooooh. lets go to Ihop, then, the mall!" He says, but doesn't move.

"Sweetie, you gotta move if you want to get somewhere." I say looking up at his crystal blue eyes.

"Uh, can you um, carry me down stairs?" He asks, an awkward smile plastered on his lips.

"It would be my pleasure." I giggle, sitting up and placing my arms under his knees and back. he yelps as I stand up and start walking. He started giggling a little.

"What's so funny, love?" I ask

"You um...we uh...don't have anything but boxers on..." He said between suppressed giggles.

"Oh, you thinks that's funny? Well do you think this is funny too?" I ask throwing him on the couch and attacking his sides, making him laugh so hard he made no noise.

He was laughing so much, it made me laugh. I lost focus for a second and he took his chance to flip us and start tickling me.

Johnnies POV

I flipped us on the couch so I could tickle him. It worked and he is laughing his ass off right now! I love him. Yes, I love him with all my heart. no, all my life. I'd die for this boy.

I have an ideaaaaaa. while I tickled him, he closed his eyes from laughing so much so I'm gonna take advantage of this.

I lean in and kiss his neck causing him to gasp. Did I really get his soft spot right away? Go me!

I start kissing and sucking on his neck, earning little shaken breaths and soft moans from him. I smirk and start grinding against him a little, feeling the bulge forming in his pants. I slide against his body. Back and forth causing friction. He grabs me ass, pulls us closer together, making both our erections rub together even more.

I started moaning into his neck between kisses. then..."hey Joh- HOLY SHIT!" Bryan yells, come in the door.

"I was gone for one night!" He says laughing.

I flipped him off and pecked Kyle's lips once more. Wait, God dammit. "Bryan. Can you go to your room for 10 minutes?" I say trying to hide my erection, and Kyles as well.

"I am blaring music. If I hear you over it, I WILL come down here and dump a bucket of water over your heads." He says, taking the steps 3 at a time.

I bet you can guess what happened. But sadly, by the end, me and Kyle were soaked in water and had a pool in the living room. (;

Kyles POV

"Kyyyyyleeee babyyyyy!" Johnnie whines, moping around the kitchen.

"Yes love?" I ask, looking up from my phone.

"I'm hungry!" He walks over to the couch where I am and lays across my lap.

"Eat then."

"Eh. to much work."

"What do you want, Guilbert?"


"Ok? I can't drive yet, silly goose."

"I know. Will you go with me?"

"Sure baby."

With that, we get our stuff together and leave the house.

In the car, Knives And Pens by Black Veil Brides came on. Me and Johnnie started rocking out to it.

We are at chipotle now. he found a parking spot and we pulled in next to a big red truck. It was cool.

We at our num nums. we started walking outside. The owners of the red truck were on their way back to their 4X4 truck. We both left at the same time.

We are going the same way as them, but are getting held back by traffic. Just as it is our turn to go, we see the truck in the intersection. We sadly watch as the beautiful couple kissed and the big red truck is swiftly T-Boned by a semi, throwing the truck spinning across the road.

No survivors.

I can't help it, I'm crying, and so is Johnnie.

"That could have been us!" He says after we get home. he walks over and hugs me, we just stand there, crying and holding each other.

"Hey, let's go lay down and watch American Horror Story, yeah?" I ask, earning a sweet nod and kiss from him. I grab his hand and we go to his room and watch AHS for a while and then go to sleep.
Holy shit! I'm sorry guys! It's been so long since my last update. I'll try to do it more often, life is just sucky right now. Btw, fact about me: my birthday is in 8 days! Ok, love you seagulls! ~nikki soul

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