Chapter 13

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Just in case you didn't know, I'm a lesbian btw!!!

"Morning daddy."

I wake up to an adorable little child squeezing my face. Again.

"Hey stinker. Mornin" I say, running my eyes

"This guy showed up at the door this morning and said he was your friend so I let him in and now he's drinking one of your teas." She says reopening my tired eyes

"Sweetheart..." I say slowly

"Yeah?" She replies cheerfully

"Is this guy shortish with black hair?" I ask, slowly sitting up and looking around the room

"Yeah. He's kinda short. Why?" She asks

"He's...someone special." I then add,"but he shouldn't be here." Before getting up and putting my blue skinny jeans and a black v-neck on, along with my beenie.

"Let's get dress ok?" I say and pick her up, walking down the hall to her room.

We pick out black leggings and a blue shirt with 'Daddy's Girl' across the front and some blue socks with cats on them.

"Ready." I say to her quietly


We walk down the stairs and yay, there sits the black haired demon himself.

"Good Morning darling." He says and waves at Violet. I growl at him. Literally.

"You said you'd be here two days ago. Not yesterday." I snarl

"I thought about it. I said five years. I didn't leave until after midnight. So technically I was gone for five years." He rambles

"Johnnie. You shouldn't have been gone at all." I say, finally setting Violet down to run around.

"Who is he daddy?"she asks me

"Some jackass stupid head who left the ones he loved." I say, mostly to Johnnie

"Daddy! Jackass is a bad word!"she yells at me, making me laugh. Johnnie doesn't.

"Yes it is, so don't say it." I say between laughs.

"Wait, you're not going to punish her?" Johnnie asks looking confused

"For what exactly?" I say

"Saying a bad word." He says

"No. Because she was telling ME it was a bad word." I say through gritted teeth

"Well, if I had any say in it, she-"

"But Johnnie, you don't. You have no legal right over her. You have no past with her. You have no future with her. And you have nothing to do with her because you fucking left. So no, you have absolutely no say." I nearly yell at him

"Kyle, I'm sor-"

"Get out of my house Johnnie." I say, looking for something to feed Violet

"Kyle, pl-"

"Get. Out." I growl, finally grabbing the corn flakes

"Alright. Here's my number if I'm ever allowed to meet my daughter." He says, sliding a piece of paper over to me, along with the a larger, folded note.

He looks at me, walks through the living room, only stopping to hug Violet, than walks out of the door.

The paper was his number.

The note was the suicide note he had left for me so many years ago~

Dear Kyle,
Your smile. When you smile it's like my heart skips a beat. Your eyes. Your eyes are easy to get lost in. Your hair. I know you don't like your hair, but I do. Whenever you cry, I want to wrap you in my arms and hold you until you smile. I want to lay there and kiss you. I love you. I have always loved you Kyle David Hall. I have loved you since that night when you found me on the swings crying in the rain. I loved you when you picked me up and carried me to your house. I loved your very existence... But then you met Alice and she told me you guys were together. I'm sorry Kyle, I can't do it.....I love you. Johnnie Guilbert

But now, there is an added note at the bottom in black ink that says~

I never stopped loving you. I just had to learn to be more dependent on my own. I almost lost myself after we lost Jaxon and Karson and I though I lost you and Violet. I made a decision that I do regret, but helped me ground my feet. I still love you princess.

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