chapter 10

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Title- Movie day
Number of words- 1163

Me and Kyle are about three months along. well, I'm 3, he's three and a half. He finished school online with extra credit things and now we're living with poor, poor Bryan.

Why poor Bryan? Well, we've gone and turned him into our personal maid, kind of. We're getting the cravings full on and oh boy, they're pretty weird, but I think they're delicious.

Yesterday, I had peanut butter pickles and Kyle had pretzels dipped in barbecue sauce and ranch. We shared our snacks with each other, all the while Bryan was looking at us green-faced like he was about vomit on the carpet.

Today is different. "Bryan! I need you to go to the store...again." I say to him from the living room where me and Kyle are cuddling.

"yeah? for what this time?" He asks with slight amusement in his voice

"pizza rolls, pickles again, and hot sauce" I say nonchalantly "And I actually want some mint Oreos. it's weird and unnerving, but get them!"

"please tell me your eating those separately. Wait, what happened to the pickles I bought yesterday?" He asked truly confused.

"I ate them. And I want more." Kyle says with a slight whine to his voice, like a child who wants some candy. ooh candy!

"sure. is that all-" he started

"Oh! and some m&ms pleeeease?" I beg, interrupting him

"mhm. be back in a little. behave yourselves please." he states before grabbing his keys, walking out the doors.

"wanna call Meghan and Alex?" Kyle asks me after about five-ish minutes

"sure. maybe they'll stay the night and we can have a movie night!" I say excitedly, we haven't seen the girls in a whole week! The last time they came over was, like I said, a week ago and we had a boardgame night and made a video and such.

"I'll text them, you order the pizza?" Kyle asks

"deal." I say smiling and lean over him and softly kiss his lips, he giggles into the kiss

"what's so funny?" I ask amused

"We are seventeen and eighteen and have three kids on the way who will all be around the same age and I just a think that's cute." he giggles bitting his lip

"mhm okay mr giggly." I say and lean over kissing him again reaching over for my phone.

Kyle texts the girls who say they'll be over as soon as they can and I order two pepperoni pizzas and one cheese.

Bryan gets home a few minutes later and me and Johnnie jump up to get our snacks, soon settling back down on the couch, to see Bryan, yet again, green faced.

"what's with you?" Kyle asks with a raised eyebrow

"that's just nasty. I've never, and will never, understand pregnant wo- MEN!" He said correcting his late mistake

"-I don't care. I'm just walking in- hey guys!" yells a hyper Alex dragging a giggling Meghan behind her

"what's up psycho?" Bryan asks, waving at them as they walk over to the couch, sitting next to Kyle, placing his outstretched legs over their laps once seated.

"nothin much, bore-man" she said giggling some more

"I uh, I bought her an energy drink." Meghan sighs placing her forehead on Kyle's shins

"well done Meghan. now you get to deal w- never mind. she's asleep." Bryan says getting up and walking to the kitchen

the door bell rings and me and Kyle get all exited and yell at Bryan to answer the door and throw money at him.

"what am I!? a cheap prostitute?" he asks sarcastically, flipping us off. we look at each other, then at Meghan, and then we all nod.

"Well. if thats how it is." he says finally answering the door

"get the damn door, slacker!" Kyle yells, waking up Alex who whines and then giggles some more, again...

"I just had a cat naaaappppp." she sings and starts doing a walking man up and down Kyle's knees and onto my arms and shoulders.

"no more sugar, ya hear?" I laugh, grabbing her hand and smacking it lightly

"honey! big bad Johnnie hit me again!" she turned whining to the smiling girl who just took her hand and kissed it

"God dammit Johnnie! pizza? really?" Bryan yells, half laughing from the entry way

"yeah! be happy I bought enough for all of us. grab it and come back in here." I yell back to him

"and grab paper towels too!" Kyle adds, playing with my hair

"fine. pick a movie and help get blankets." he says, now in the kitchen, messing with drawers and cabinets

"you probably don't want the blankets from our room, just saying. oh yeah, is the washer open?" I asks running off to hear Alex and Meghan giggling and Bryan dry heaving while Kyle whines at how 'I didn't need to say that' probably bright red faced.

I grab some blankets and a few movies and walk back in the living room where Bryan was standing with plates of pizza, glaring at me. I return his act of annoyance, with a cheesy grin saying I won this round.

"we are watching Corpse Bride, Nightmare before Christmas, and then Beetle Juice." I say

"Tim Burton day?" Kyle asks with a cute little smile plastered on his face

"yep. I also haven't seen Beetle Juice in a while so why not."

"I love Be-" Bryan starts only to be interrupted by the ever so cheerful and hyper, Alex, with "SHHHH! don't say his name a third time or we'll die!"

"go cuddle with your girlfriend and calm down, you crazy ass smurf." Bryan says with a fake frown

"yes dad." she said sarcastically and sat next to Meghan, pecked her lips, and started eating her pizza with only a few mumbles here and there.

the movies were fun and the girls stayed the night. Alex eventually calmed after being restrained by Meghan for a good hour.


This is a good life. nothing could go wrong right now, right?

Y'all are gonna hate me when I update again. Not gonna say why, just cause. it might be tomorrow around noon, or in a couple days. we'll see. ok, and by the way, I have discovered I have a irrational fear of seagulls. oh the irony, am I right ladies?
Well Kay, my name is Nicole Souleli and I have just stollen your soul again. By my little ghosts<3
🌷Stay happy not crappy🌷
🌺Life's a bitch don't quit🌺
🌸Eat your cereal🌸
🌹Nikki Soul🌹

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