Im back.

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Hey, just kidding! How bout i go off the story on this one? Because life is shitty right now and I need a stress release.

-Kyle's POV-

Johnnie really did leave. He never said goodbye in person to anyone. My Digital Escape had to find two new people. They're still going.

Sam and Jeydon are actually married! Cool huh? Yeah.

Violet is almost in kindergarten. She does love Sleeping with sirens by the way. She says her biggest dream is to meet Copeland. Silly girl.

Oh. And we moved to Oregon. Minor detail.

"Hey daddy, are we still gonna go see a movie today?" Violet asks, pulling at my shirt

"Oh yeah! What did you want to see again?"

"Um, Moon Pool." She says, a little sassy like

"Oh yeah. That mermaid movie right?"


So we did. We saw that movie. We saw that movie, and tomorrow we're going to concert for her 5th birthday. I got back stage passes for her to meet Kellin and Copeland. I'm gonna call bullshit on Johnnie coming back home. I'd be lying if I said I didn't still love him, but if he shows up, I will punch him.

"Ok, goodnight baby. I love you stinker." I say as I tuck her in.

"Hey daddy?"


"Since its almost my birthday, can I sleep in your bed tonight?" She gives me puppy dog eyes, and ofcourse I cave in.

"Alright, let's go. We can even watch Finding Dori." I say, picking her up and heading back to my room.

The next was rather chaotic. But fun. And very memorable.
Kellin brought her onstage when he saw her shirt-
Birthday Girl!
Sleeping with Sirens!

She got to meet Kellin twice, and then she was so happy when Copeland hugged her and they ended up playing for a while. Kellin gave me his number so they could hang out and we could chill too.

Surprise. surprise. Nine o'clock and no Johnnie.


"Did you have a good birthday yesterday stinker?" Today, we decided to turn on music and dance. She's standing on my feet and I'm moving around, really.

"Yep. I hope we see Copeland again!" She giggles as I spin around

~le knock~

"Let's get the door." I say and start waddling towards the door, making her laugh

I open the door and just stare.

"Uh, hi. I'm back?"

"Nope. Nope nope. Nope nopity no. Go away." I say and push Violet back inside the door.

"Kyle. I want to see her."

"Johnnie. I said no. She doesn't even know you exist. And at this point, I'd rather it stay that way. Goodbye." I say.

Then I shut the door.

"Who was that? And why did he want to see me?" She asks with a confused look.

"No one important sweetheart."

Johnnie needs Kyle (Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now