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As my friends were checking up Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, I was outside in the empty Diagon Alley, looking at my sketchbook, trying not to be seen. I passed the pages slowly, remembering the moment I drew them when I had some alone time in the Castle.

A sound near me made me jump and close up the book, hiding it in my bag again. I looked up and saw Malfoy in an all black suit, walking with a disgust expression on his face.

"What brings you here, Potter" He looked at me up and down when he saw me. "I see you came to see this shit show too" He galnced at Fred and Gorge's shop. I rolled my eyes at the comment.

"Why is it that the school year didn't even start and you're already breathing near me" I looked up at him with hate.

"Look at that. Already said two words ad you already want to murder me" He smirked, giving an air of superiority.

"Fuck you Malfoy" I rolled my eyes, and he chuckled.

"How's your brother?" He smirked, knowing that if he kept talking to me I was gonna lose it. "Last time my father saw him, things didn't end up well with him. With all of the... Black incident" The fact that he had Sirius name in his mouth made my blood boil. I felt tears in my eyes, but I couldn't cry in front of him.

"You want to talk about my family like yours is gold?" I toughened up. "Sure, you go say you have a perfect family, but try a little harder when pretending that your father actually loves you. Try harder when pretending that the bruises in your arms are because you fell of your broom when they clearly came from the man you admire so much"

I sensed him getting sensitive about my comment, and part of me regretted saying it. But, insted of saying something, he showed another smirk at me.

"You're a little bit too much like me" He smiled, making my eyes wilden.

"I prefer getting poisoned that being a tiny bit like you" I pressed my teeth together in anger.

"Draco" I heard Narcissa Malfoy talk in the distance. We both looked at her, before I turned my head back to him.

"Mommy's calling" I whispered at him. He looked at me up and down before walking to her.

"That place is amazing" Hermione said as my three friends got out of the shop.

"Was Malfoy here?" Harry looked at me and then at the blonde walking away in the distance.

"I took care of it" I simply said. The four of us walked through the grey streets of Diagon Alley. The air was cold, and everything was silent, exept the fun wonderland the Weasley twins created after diching school last year.

"How do Fred and Gorge do it? Half the Alley is closed" Hermione kept talking about Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

"Fred reckons people need a laugh these days" Ron answred.

"Well, he's not wrong" I looked around the space. After Voldemort's return, and the liberation of the Death Eaters, the magic world became a empty world. Full of fear, and not the way I remembered from when I was 11 years old.

As walked the Ollivander's now closed shop, I wondered how the new magicians will expiriance their new life, so different than ours. I remembered when Harry and I were dragged across this place by Hagrid when we only had one day left to buy everything we needed for the school year. I smiled at the memory.

"We should go in" Harry said when he noticed me staring at the door of the store.

We pushed the door opened, and everything was sort of burnt down. It was full of dust, and abandoned. I walked through the space, trying to remember how it looked like before this nightmare happened.

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