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Draco's POV

"Draco" My mother entered my room quietly. I didn't turn my head to look at her. She slowly closed the door behind her and sat down at the edge of the bed, right besides my legs, and as she did so, I layed on my left arm, showing her my back. "Dinner is served on the table" She placed her hand on top of mine.

"I'll be there in a minute" I said almost in a whiper. She showed me a soft smile before getting up and leaving the lonley room.

Ever since I came back from Hogwarts for the Spring break, I'm feeling more and more unmotivated.

Even though I don't see you, Emery, around the halls, in my classes, or in the common room, I still feel more at home there than I'll ever feel here.

I don't leave my room. At all. Every once in a while I go down to dinner, but only for my mother. If it was only my father, I would't probably be in this house any day of the year.

It feels like every day of my life is a day where I'm drowning. A cold wash is all I can feel since your absence. I don't want to get up. I don't want to move at all.

But I have to.

As I finished with my thoughts, I recalled it was time to go downstairs for the first time since I arrived here.

I runned my hands across my face before getting up from the bed, and walking away from my isolated room. I walked through the second floor of the gigantic house until I finally got into the main hall. The fireplace was on, being the only light in the room. My father was sitting at the end of the table, and my mother on the opposite edge.

My plate was displayed in the exact middle of the large table, in front of the fireplace. I silently took a seat and stared down at the plate full if food, with no desire to eat any of it.

"Curious to see you here, Draco" My father spoke, glancing at me before taking his glass to his lips. I stayed silent at the comment. "Let me remind you that your aunt Bellatrix will be coming tomorrow to stay with us"

"I recall" I said softly, without looking at him.

"Draco, what is it like coming back from school?" My mother asked me softly, trying to form conversation.

"I hate it there" I answred her unmotivated. I didn't want to shut her off, but I wasn't feeling like talking.

"Well, you must go, since the Dark Lord wants to have eyes inside the castle" My father joined the conversation again. "As long as we keep doing what he wants us to do, eventually everything will be forgiven"

"Why should we make up for what you did" I muttered. I didn't intend for him to hear me, but from my pearents expressions, he did.

"What did you just say to me?" My father stared at me with pure hate in his voice. A strong anger began to fill my body as I looked back at my father. I stayed quiet, debateiting if I shoulf repeat my words. "You treat with respect, you disgraceful child" He started raising his voice.

"Lucius" My mother warned him.

"Mom, it's fine. It's not like I'm not used to his mental abuse" I looked towards my brother. My father quickly got up from his seat. He walked rapidly towards me and before I could react, he slapped me, making my face turn in the direction of my father.

"Lucius!" My mother also got up and walked towards us. I fixed my eyes in the fire, feeling a sort of anger that I never felt before. I looked back at my father, who stared at me, waiting for me to apologize.

"What have you become? Talking back to your father that way" My father nodded dissapointed.

"You know, all of my fucking life I've been trying to aviod this. To avoid making you feel this way. Dissapointed. But now, I din't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck what you feel towards me, or how you look at me, or how you disagree with my actions" I slowly started to get up from y seat.

"Draco..."My father warned me in a low tone.

"No" I interrupted him. "I used to admire you, so much. But, truth is, I hate you. I hate you with passion, and I whish that that poor little boy I used to be would have realized who you truly were before I made the atrocious mistake of following to the Drak side" I pressed my theeth together with hate.

My father looked down on me with repugnance in his eyes.

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