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I was waiting in Hagrid's house for Draco, ready to teach him the Patronus.

I was really hopeful, since after all of the hours we spent here training he was actually improving a lot. I could tell he was really pushing himself to do this right. It made my heart melt when I saw him studying late at night at the common room, thinking no one could see him.

"I thought you diched me" I laughed when I saw him walking towards me.

"Sorry, I had to take care of some... stuff" He said kind of distantly.

"Let's get into this" I said after a few minutes of silence. He took out his wand and positioned himself to cast the spell. "All right, so, you've been improving a lot these last few months, but we need a stronger thought. If you can get that part, I'm sure you'll be able to cast the spell" I explained.

"I think I have one in mind" He smiled at himself.

"Perfect. Whenever you're ready" I took a few steps back.

He closed his eyes and grabbed his wand tightly. He took a deep breath before pointing his wand in front of him.

"Expecto Patronus" He said loudly and clearly.

All of a sudden, a light blue fog started coming out of Draco's wand. It became more intense by the second, until a giant snake started forming.

"Draco!" I exclaimed. "You did it!" I jumped from exitement.

He opened his eyes and his expression changed completly. He looked at the snake with amazement in his eyes, making me fill with joy.

He turned his head to look at me and I jumped nto his eyes from exitement. He tuirled me around laughing, and with the impulse, we both feel into the grass, me landing on top of him.

We stared into eachother's eyes, and his sight made me feel butterflies. As we stared at eachother's eyes, our smiled started fading away.

Without warning, he broke the little space between us, conecting his lips to mine. It was a small, gentle kiss, but filled with passion and desire. A million loving thoughts condenced into one specific moment. In that precise second, we were both fully ourselves. Our pure and vulnerable selves.

"What is going on here?" Hagrid's voice made me pull away quickly. I stood up as fast as I could, and Draco did the same. "You told me nothing was going on between you two" He said angrily.

"Nothing was going on. It was just a moment" I explained quickly. "Please don't tell my brother"

"I won't. You will" He smiply said.

"Fine, I'll tell him" I said before walking away. Draco followed me behind.

As we walked up the little path that led to the castle, there was some noticable tension between us.

"Let's just pretend that didn't happen" I suddenly stopped walking.

"Agreed" He nodded.

"Friends?" I streched my hand towards him.

"Friends" He shook it.

"So, who does it feel to cast the Patronus?" I asked to change the subject.

"Pretty good" He smiled. "Thank you, Em. It was all because of you" He hugged me tightly.

"Thank you for trusting me" I whispered, hugging him back. We stayed there without moving, not wanting this moment to end. "We should celebrate!" I suddenly pulled away exited.

"Sure" He smiled. "What do you have in mind?"

"Let's meet at the Astornomy Tower at sunset" I started walking backwards. "And wear a suit!" I yeled before running away.

"What are you planning, Emery Potter?" He laughed.

"You'll see!" I yelled back.


I went directly into my room and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. Once I was done, I did a natural makeup before moving on to the hair. I slipped into a beautiful silver, sparkly dress that complimented my figure, and added a pearl bracelet, just because.

Once I was ready, I sneaked into the Astronomy Tower. There, Draco as waiting for me, standing beautifully in an all black suit, with his hands on his pockets. His blonde hair was pulled back, and I could smell his strong collogne form afar.

I walked nervously to the room, and as soon as he saw me, his expression changed completly. His eyes became more open and wilder as I walked towards him.

"You look amazing" He smiled.

"You do too" I said calmly. I realized he was playing some slow songs in a readio at the back.

All of a sudden, our eyes met, and he started walking closer to me. He grabbed me by the wasit and I placed both of my arms in his shoulders. We started dancing to the rythm of the music, no interruptions now. Nothing else mattered. It was only me and him, alone. It was perfect.

I rested my head in his chest and closed my eyes to live the moment more fully. His fingers started going through my hair, making me feel butterflies.

"Em" He said softly.

"Hm" I simply answred, without opening my eyes.

"I don't think we can be friends" As soon as those words left his mouth, I freezed. "Not after that kiss" He said after a pause. My muscles instantly relaxed at the comment.

"I think so too" I said, almost in a whisper.

He placed his hand on my chin and made me face him. Slowly, he started moving closer, until his lips connected with mine.

The kiss was soft, building into something more instense. I ran my fingers up his perfect blonde hair as he grabbed me tightly around the waist, pulling me closer to him.

Out lips moved together perfectly, going in sync like a melody. I could feel out bodies connecntion as the kiss grew into something more. His tongue exploring my mouth, kissing my lips like it was the only thing he wanted to do.

The kiss became more hungry and passionate. I jumped on top of him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He started walking towards the nearest wall, pushing my back against the surface.

My hands explored his chest as his hands went into my hair, messing it all up. He started to kiss down my jaw, behind my ear and down my neck. I countinued to play with his hair as he continued to leave marks all over my neck.

"Draco" I whispered from the pleasure. He suddenly stopped his movements and looked at me.

"You're beautiful" He smiled at me before kissing me again. His hands started exploring my body, and I felt the kiss becoming something more.

"Wait" I stopped him. He looked at me in my eyes, making me feel nervous.

"We can wait" He said putting me down. We both walked back into the Slytherin common room, and before going into our dorms, we shared one last kiss.

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