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The next day Ron, Hermione, Harry and I were in the hallways on the break, and, as expected, they were all asking me about Cedric last night.

"So, how was your date?" Ron laughed.

"It was not a date" I rolled my eyes at him as I crossed my arms in front of my body.

"It totally was" Hermione said exited.

"I didn't know you were into Cedic" Harry joined the conversation.

"Me either" I confessed.

"So, I recluted some information about him" Hermione said to cathch my attention. "He broke up with Cho Chang about a month ago, and he wants to take you to the Yule Ball"

"Really?" My eyes wilden.

"It's not surprising" Ron shugged his shpulders. "One of us already has a date, three more to go"

"Calm down, I only been out with him once. He didn't even say anything yet" I stared at the floor.

"So you admit it was a date" Harry smiled playfully.

"I hate you" I said, standing up from my seat and starting to walk away.

I heard their laughter's as I walked away from my friends.

I entered an empty hallway, and I started to wonder around, thinking about Cedric. I didn't know what I felt about him yet, and I would be lying if I said I didn't like him, but I was unsure about something.

All of a sudden I came back to reality when I saw Draco and Snape walking inside. I hid behind a wall to listen to their conversation.

I peaked to look at them and saw Snape pushing Draco violently against the wall.

"I swore to protect you" Snape said with anger. "I made the unbreakable spell"

"I don't need protection. I was chosen for this. Out of all others! Me!" Draco argued with hate in his voice.

"Let me assist you" Snape continued, in a more softer tone.

"No! I was chosen. This is my moment!" The blonde said before Snape stormed off the place. Draco let himself sit on the floor with his hands covering his eyes.

I moved again, hiding behind the wall so that Mafoy wouldn't see me, but I let my wand fall into the floor, making a loud noise that echoed through the empty hallway.

"Who's there?" Malfoy stood up and looked in my direction. I holded my breath so I wouldn't make a sound. "I know you're there!" He continued.

I shut my eyes closed in regret before I walked out into the hallway.

"It's just me" I walked slowly towards him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with hate.

"Nothing, I was just walking around" I played it cool. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing you would care about, Potter" He sat back down. I contined walking closer to him. I sat down besides him, without looking in his direction.

"You don't have to act like that, you know? There's no one around" I said softly.

"I don't know what you're talking about" He said in his usual angry tone.

"Yeah you do" I simply said. We stayed in silence for a while.

"I'm sorry" He said quietly.

"For what?" I looked over at him. He stared at my eyes. It was the first time I really saw them. They were a beautiful silver, bluish color. They were held with deep sorrows and desperate to be held. To be loved.

"I don't know" He looked away from me. We stayed in silence again. "I just been confusing you lately. Sorry"

"It's okay" I whispered. Before I could say anything else, he left me there, sitting alone. I took my hands to my face in frustration.

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