Thoughts 0.01

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Let's be honest, how many people can you call a true friend? How many people can you rely on in a time of need? You only tell these friends your darkest secrets, your personal and most intimate problems. Why? because you know they will give you the best advice you need and the most sensible option because after all you trust and care for their opinion. So why do we get disheartened, and angry when a "Hater" gives us bad criticism or negative opinions on things we say or do?
Here below is a small list of my personal opinions to why people hate on others so much, maybe you will agree or maybe you don't.
There jealous of you
There jealous of what you are doing
They are jealous of what you have
There jealous of what you can become
There jealous at the fact they never thought of your idea
The hate the attention you get because they want to be the centre of attention
They get a fixation out of making people sad and worthless
What you have to think of is it's your life, if they have a boring life with no motivation or life goals, then that's their problem, not yours. Your life goals can be anything you want, it's your life do with as you please, breaks out of the social normality, do what makes you happy and not somebody else. If someone wants to hate you for doing something you love or enjoy doing, that's their problem, not yours. Never help someone who ain't willing to help themselves.
"A tiger doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep"

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