Thoughts 0.15

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Sometimes in life, we think we see a clear path, we think we know where we are going and what we are doing. Some people leave school and go to university and get a degree and work in a job for the rest of there life, they marry end up having kids and buying a house and eventually retiring and collecting there pension.
If you ask these people if they regret anything in there life or what would they have changed if they could go back, and if they could go back what would they do differently, some would answer that they have no regrets, and if they got given a chance to go back they would do it all over again. Others might say they would have tried harder in school and got a decent job, or some would have travelled the world and lived abroad, everyone has made choices which have effectively changed the course of there life and future.
The problem most people have is they know they cant go back and change anything, so they try and make do with what they have, some unhappy and some happy and they just get on with there day to day life, but for others there is still the confusion on what to do next or where to go, so for these people they fall into a special category, I call this category the "Bandwagon-Jumpers", Yes that is right! The category for people of all ages who are either unhappy, confused or pretentious. These people will jump onto any big events, discussion or topic of any nature, scene or atmosphere of any culture, religion and race that is popular. You dont need to do something because another is doing it for whatever reason you have good or bad, find and walk your own path, stop helping someone else write there next chapter whilst your chapter is blank, stop walking with someone on there path instead of walking down yours, just make up a small method which might work for you, dont have it too big take small steps, think of a main goal what you would like to acheive to make you feel better or change your life, then break it down into smaller goals, then break them down into even smaller ones till eventually you have just one small goal to complete which takes you one step closer to acheiving your main goal.
Dont look at what everyone else is doing and compare yourself to them or their lifes, focus on what matters to you and where you want to take your life or your next goal, the only person I compare myself to is myself, I look back at my previous years i look at what I didnt have to what I have got, and now I look at what I will have, it won't take forever to get there but it will take time and hard work, but ask yourself, How much do you want it?

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