Thoughts 0.33

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When it comes to reading people, but everyone has the capability to successfully do it, instead they can misinterpret someone's actions completely hostile when naturally it's a passive action! Someone's actions can be read clearer though, and when someone who is an over thinker or more smarter than some or something they will and can easily identify someone's actions! There's plenty of times where someone says or does something in such a way, it becomes blatant to all those who view and see it, and sometimes it's so frustrating when you can identify it but cannot openly speak it about it because you will be perceived as the wrong doer even though this persons actions have lead you to this path! And the main reason people do such things in a way where they are belittling you or mocking you from there actions whether it's hostile or passive it does only boil down to them being jealous, they want the lime light and don't want you to have it! We don't need to give it to them peacefully just sit back laugh and smile and make it hard work for them l, soon enough they will realise they have gained more enemies than friends because know one likes a show off.

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