Thoughts 0.13

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I'm all for second chances, believe me, I have been given many and they have helped me later on in life. Do we need to give second chances? No, but wouldn't we like to see a change in that person? I mean if we know a troublesome youth whos always in trouble getting up to no good do we give him a second chance or punish him? In today's law and order the aim is about rehabilitation, but if the person keeps on the path they are going and been given second chances all of the time it shows they haven't been rehabilitated and they show lack of respect for the second chance they have been given. Why help someone who won't help themselves? But what if the person has been rehabilitated and proven to have taken the second chance with both hands and succeeded in the future only to be refused another chance and punished for there past when it has been fast forwarded to the present?.

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