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I woke up to hear talking "omg just wait til you see what happens to your lover boy Randy! I'm gonna break him! I'm gonna break him to the tiniest pieces you've ever seen!" He shouted at a strange book. I quietly got up and took a step closer, the floor board creaked 'fuck' I thought as he turned around and punched me in the face. I fell on my back "awe the love boy doesn't wanna be here no more!" He laughed imitating a sorry voice 'whys that kinda- never mind!' I thought as he grabbed the collar of my shirt and picked me up while laughing 'now that laugh is fucking hot just the wrong personality thingy to have it.' I thought while he shoved me against the wall. Soon he changed his grip to my neck and waited for me to lose my breath while he kept slamming me against the wall, once I was about to pass out he'd let go "got anything to say?" He asked "yeah, fuck you!" I said reaching into pocket and grabbing a pocket knife 'forgot abt that..' I thought. Right before I hit him he yelled "WAIT! I have a reason you shouldn't try to kill me!" He shouted "and what that? It's not like there's anything stopping me-" I said "I'm in Randy's body! You hurt me your hurting his body." He said smirking. The only thing that was left for me to feel were sadness and anger, he knew and he laughed about it. He quickly grabbed the knife kicked me back and threw the knife and it landed right. on. my. eye. It wasn't deep enough to leave damage to the sight but deep enough to definitely leave a scar "you'd look better with that trust me!" He shouted laughing looking up with his eyes closed. The book he was talking to glowed 'is that the same exact book from when I got my mask? I mean I've only used it once but I could make Randy and Him switch body's err- souls from the book into the body!' I smiled dashing right for it. He noticed and ran for it as well, I grabbed it and opened it facing him. He landed head first into the book before collapsing into my lap "alright Randy it's all up to you I guess" I said adjusting the body more comfortably before hugging it. I was sure to be carful of not getting any blood on him as I did so.

I started playing with his hair and oh god it was soft, it was adorable how his cheeks turned a light pink. I started remembering to the time we first met

In the past

"AHHH WATCH OUT!" I shouted as my board started going out of control, I suddenly crashed into someone "ow.." they muttered. It was one of the most adorable voices ever, when I looked up the person had Tyrian purple hair and sapphire blue eyes he had such a pretty skin tone to match with it all "omg I'm so sorry here lemme help you" I said getting up and helping him up "I'm y/n l/n" I said smiling sheepishly "I'm Randy Cunningham, what's wrong with your board anyway?" He asked looking at it. At the same time I looked at it then hit the wheels "Heidi switched our wheels again." I said annoyed "wait Heidi skateboards?" He asked "yeah, she thinks playing pranks are so funny" I said rolling my eyes as he looked shocked "are you okay? Did I break one of your bones?! Come on tell me!" I shouted checking his arms and legs "no, no! I'm just surprised Heidi skateboards!" He said stepping back. I sighed "well-" I started off "I'll see you around we have 5 minutes left and I have to meet up with my friend, bye n/n!" He shouted running off. The first nickname I ever got was from him.

Back to present day!

I giggled at the memory grabbing his hand with my free hand. I brought it up and gently kissed it before bringing it back down and rubbing it. I took my hands away from what they were doing I used one to feel where I the knife was supposed to be but it was gone and so was the whole wound all there was is a scar. I grabbed the nearest mirror and looked 'fuck.' It made a cut in my eyebrow all the way stopping at the end of my eye bags 'never getting good sleep gets you this' I thought putting it down and rafting my hands on the sides of my lap. After a minute I reverted to playing with Randy's hair, soon I noticed his hand wasn't on the Nomicon. I grabbed the Nomicon pulling it closer then grabbing the hand and putting it over the Nomicon. Within a second I heard mumbling "gimme a minute." He said making me laugh lightly "don't laugh shoob" he said turning his face to me "alright I won't laugh just go back to sleep." I said smiling 'at least he's back.' I thought getting up slowly then picking him up 'I don't get how he picks people up so easily, I mean he's easy to pick up but like other people not so much.' I thought setting him down and putting the blanket over him and jumping down. I looked around to see the knife where he threw it at me, I sighed picking it up putting it in my bag which whoever that was brought it over here. I picked it up putting on my mask and opening the window and climbing out "hello?" I heard Randy's voice echo "goodbye" I said in a creepy voice trying to hold back my laugh "that's just wokin creepy" he said making me laugh as I closed it.

After I reached home I took off my mask and went to sleep after putting the mask under my bed

Idiot ninja! (Rc9gn x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now