10! Wooo! 🥳

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I woke up panicked, the dream I had was about the puppet master. Before we moved he was my enemy I defeated him at the cost of my boyfriends life, I usually only got those dreams when he was near or after me. It only means one thing "he's back."

The cat was gone, my door was open. I checked the time and date "Thursday 6:00 am.. I need to get ready for- shit we have the day off" I sighed before changing my clothes, baggy jeans and a baggy shirt I put on a beanie as well. Once I was done I put on my shoes and walked out with my bag. since my bag didn't have anything but snacks, energy drinks, water, extra pants for Heidi, pads and dark chocolate and homework. I had my phone and headphones in my pocket. I walked out to the kitchen and started making French toast, I put out 6 plates for mom, Mcfist, bash, viceroy, Heidi, and me. Heidi usually comes At unexpected times to hang out with me so I thought she might come whilst I'm done cooking. Once I was done I grabbed Mcfist's plate and viceroy's and walked to their office, once inside I set down Mcfist's plate on his desk "morning y/n" viceroy said drinking his coffee "morning Viceroy, I make French toast!" I said handing him the plate "oh! Thank you y/n" he said taking the plate with his free hand "gotta go bye Viceroy!" I shouted before heading out and grabbing moms plate. I went to moms room and set it on her nightstand, I grabbed Bash's and went to his room. Bash was just getting out of bed so I handed his to him. Once I made it back to the kitchen Heidi had already came inside "morning n/n!" She said "ah- morning Heidi" I said smiling "awe cool! French toast!" She shouted as she sat down at the table and ate her food. I sat down as well and started eating "what do you want to do today?" I asked as Heidi chowed down "me and Howard were thinking about going the the amusement park and I wanted to invite you" she said with a huge smile "hm I see, what time should we meet Howard there?" I asked grabbing the now empty plates and putting them in the sink before turning the water faucet on "I was thinking about 15 minutes from now" she said tapping her chin "alright, wanna start heading there now?" I asked putting the dishes in the dishwasher "sure!" She smiled brightly "alright I just have to grab something from my room-" before I could she hugged me tightly, I patted her back and hugged.

Once we both pulled away I went to my room while she waited at the front door. I grabbed my wallet from my desk that contained my credit cards and money, Mcfist puts most of my allowance in my credit cards and some to my college funds. The dollar bills are from when I get the money from the bank just in case if a store doesn't accept credit cards. I walked back to the front door with my wallet in my pocket "ready?" She asked "definitely" I replied smiling.

Once we both arrived we saw Howard at the front "hey l/n, Heidi." He greeted "hey Howard" I smiled and waved as we walked up "alright time to pay for our tickets" Heidi said smiling "wait we're missing someone.. someone.. but who-" I cut him off "Randy Cunningham? Fashionably late as usual." I shrugged "you both keep a lookout I'll be right back." I said smiling. I paid for four wristbands with $1000 on each, we can ride and play as many games as we want. Best part about it was the fact we could get our money back once we're done, in cash and credit cards of course. Once I paid for them I wrote everyone's first and last name on them and walked back, all three of them were there. Looking around "I'm back, here you all go" I said handing them the wrist bands since I already had mine on "oh sweet! Thanks n/n!" Heidi said trying to put hers on, I helped her so it wasn't too tight or too loose. Once I was done Randy looked like he was struggling "need help?" I asked holding my hand out "uh- no thanks, I'm good" he said and went back to struggling, Howard was being helped by Heidi. I sighed and got down on one knee and took his hand "you do it like this." I said doing it slowly so he could know. Halfway done I looked up, he looked dazed "are you even watching?" I asked tugging the bottom of his shirt "huh- uh yeah" he nodded "good." I said rolling my eyes and getting back to it, once I was done I stood up "you love birds done?" I snapped my head to see Heidi smirking "shut up." I said crossing my arms "awe you know I don't mean it! I still love you!" She said hugging my tightly to the point where I can't breath "Heidi" I said tapping her back but she kept ranting 'this is how I die..' I thought but before I could even black out I got pulled out "oh thank cheez" I said gasping for air Heidi laughed "I feel like you keep trying to kill me on purpose" I said standing up straight, I looked at my savior and saw Randy "thank you" I said smiling, Randy smiled back.

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