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I'm back bitches 😎

The next day Randy was acting weird, weirder than he already is, which is sort of cute until he started asking questions about shadow to Howard and every other student. He single handedly started a club that figures out my identity. Cute but also what the fuck!

Lunch rolled around and we all took our spots, me and Heidi sat my Randy and Howard. Everything was going smoothly almost too smoothly, we were all chatting until I couldn't keep the question in any longer "don't you guys thing it's a bit too peaceful?" I ask not noticing Randy said the same thing as me at the same time, Heidi and Howard looked like they were thinking but we all know Howard is only thinking about food and the game hole. Heidi shrugged "I guess-" Howard cut her off "shhh! Don't jinx it just enjoy it" Howard said eating his food. I rolled my eyes and kept glancing around "why do you keep looking around like that? It's not like your a ninja who constantly needs to keep everyone safe" Howard said and Heidi's smile dropped as she looked at me wide eyed. I laughed it off "your right, it's just at this time there's usually a robot or a monster attacking us" I said covering my mouth as I laughed "it's almost as if it's scheduled" Heidi laughed along, Randy seemed to be spaced out so I tapped his shoulder. When he didn't respond to that tap I pushed my finger against his cheek "is he alright? Should I call an ambulance?" I whispered to the others "nah that's just classic Cunningham stuff, watch this. CUNNINGHAM!" He shouted startling Randy. Randy fell out of the chair and onto the floor, I sighed and helped him up "you didn't have to scare him that bad" Heidi said before I sat back down "yeah but I wanted to" Howard shrugged "he looked cute like that" I whispered and groaned "ew" Heidi gagged "what?" Howard asked "what's wrong?" Randy asked "nothing nothing- y/n him of all people? Seriously?" Heidi asked "huh?" Randy looked lost as Howard just listened and ate "I'm sorry he's just funny and cute what's so wrong about having a simple crush?" I asked "well that 'crush' just so happens to be known by like everyone" Heidi said face palming "are you guys talking about the ninja? Or a student? Or-" Heidi cut him off "shut it Andy, we're girl talking" I put my finger up to say something but decided I didn't want to die today and put my hand down. Heidi continued her rant "but he's cute-" "ugly" "fucking sapphire eyes! Do you know how pretty his eyes are? I'd like a thousand skies placed into one shade of a beautiful blue!" I defended "cheesehead." Heidi said flicking my forehead "me meh" I mimicked "I do not sound like that!" She said crossing her arms "me me me meme me me" I mimicked again and she gasped "you rat!" She shouted but before she could jump over to the table we both spotted a green smoke coming slowly to our table. I looked at Howard who was just fine "awe man why'd you stop it was getting to the good part!" He whined, I looked back at Randy who looked sad "we are talking about the ninja by the way Randy, how'd you know so quickly?" I lied. Randy's head immediately shot up and I looked back at the smoke to see it's retreating, Heidi held up two thumbs up and I looks back at Randy who was talking. I kept asking questions about the ninja to keep him talking and happy, surprise to say it went on until the bell.

At the end of 6 period I walked back to my locker and opened it, once I opened it a cat jumped out at me. The cat held onto my shirt as if it needed to hug something or someone to comfort it, I gently held the cat and hugged it whilst putting my stuff into my bag for homework and putting the unnecessary stuff into my locker then closing it. After I had locked my locker I swung my bag over one shoulder then held the cat with that hand and swung the backpack over my other shoulder. I grabbed my skateboard and held it in my freehand as I held the cat with the other 'it's so cute, it has Tyrian purple fur and sapphire eyes it reminds me of Randy! I'm gonna name it Randy Jr.' I thought walking through the front doors of the school.

On the way home the cat kept meowing and holding its paws out as if it wanted my attention "not yet buddy, once we get home I promise to give you all of my undivided attention" I said petting it's head.

Once we were home I went straight to my room and locked it, I set the cat on my bed before sitting on my knees and watched the cat. Me and the cat had a little staring contest although it was interrupted by bash bashing at my door "go away Bash!" I shouted "no." He simply said whilst giggling as he continued to bash on my door. I sighed and got up "hide in the pile of plushies please" I said before walking to the door, I looked back to see Randy Jr. was gone as if he had disappeared. I opened the door to see bash getting ready to run at my door again "oh- I did not expect for you to actually open the door" he laughed "go away." I said before slamming the door "nooo! I'm bored and need someone to talk to!" He shouted banging on the door with both of his hands "go talk to your friends from school!" I shouted locking my door and sitting on my bed. Randy Jr. came out of the plushie pile then sat in my lap "your so cute" I said smiling as I pet him, I got a meow in response before he got up and walked over to my pillows. He buried himself underneath my blanket and rested his head on my pillow "awe" I said as I walked over to my desk.

I opened my backpack and got out the homework for science and math, we didn't have any essays for English for a week and in social studies we did nothing. Gym class is boring as usual, Art is amazing we got to finally use clay. Of course we only get to make cups but oh well, maths homework was just finding the coordinates without a graph with a dilation factor of 4.

Small math lesson for my fellow 8th graders ;]

"Alright.. the coordinates of D are 4,5 but we have to find the coordinates of D' with a dilation factor of 4? Easy just multiply each number by 4 and you get you coordinates" I muttered with a smirk (fun fact that is actually how I learned because I go online and I teach myself rather than watching the stupid 15 minute videos she gives us!) "so if you do that you'd get.. 16 for X and 20 for Y, easy peasy!" I said writing things down as I spoke. I kept whispering and talking to myself as I did my work, that was until I got to science. Once I read the first directions I froze -use graphs to show the motions- I was never good at graphs nor did she teach us, I did the only reasonable thing to do.

I cried

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