Watching Earth's Attacks

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June 10, 2020

The next day, Watson was sitting on the sofa watching the Nickelodeon show Drake and Josh on the television in the middle of the day. A moment later, a knock on the front door was heard. Watson gets up from the chair and walks over to the door. He opens it revealing it to be Lucas.

"Hey, Watson. I just came up to check on you after what had happened yesterday," Lucas said.

"I'm doing fine right now," Watson replied.

Lucas walks inside as Watson closes the door behind them. They both stepped into the living room and then sat on the sofa.

"I thought you'd be watching something like Henry Danger or something," Lucas said.

"That crap show? It's shit. The old shows like Drake and Josh are always better," Watson said.

"Good point," Lucas said.

Suddenly an emergency broadcast system went off on the television, catching the two boys' attention.

"Probably just a test," Lucas said.

"We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to bring you this important update," an announcer spoke from the television.

"What's going on?" Watson asked.

"Simultaneous attacks are occurring all over the globe by unknown terrorist groups and creatures of unknown origins," the announcer said.

"Attacks?! All over the world?!" Lucas asked.

"I get terrorist groups, but creatures?" Watson said.

"The capital of Rio de Janeiro is one of the cities that is under attack. The creatures are running out of the city to most likely terrorize other areas. All airports have been shut down until further notice. All citizens are to get off of the streets and stay indoors," the announcer said.

"Switch on to the new channel," Lucas said.

Watson grabs the remote and switches the channel to a live news broadcast. The live feed showed a news reporter and people screaming and running in terror in the streets of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in the background.

"People around me right now are scrambling to find shelter to escape several black beast-like creatures that are currently running through the streets attacking innocent people," the reporter said.

"Creatures?" Watson asked.

"What creatures are they talking about?" Lucas asked.

"The city of Rio de Janeiro isn't the only city that is under this current crisis. Cities around the world are under similar threats of ours and some are attacked by unknown terrorist groups," the reporter said.

"Okay, what the hell is going on?" Watson asked.

Suddenly Watson and Lucas heard the sound of screaming coming from outside. The two boys ran to the front door to check out what was going on. Lucas opened the door and he and Watson peered outside. They saw several people running and screaming in fear down the street. The boys turned to see what they were running from. After a moment out of the corner jumped out a creature that stunned Watson and Lucas in fear and disbelief; a Beowolf.

"Is that... A Grimm?!" Watson asked.

"That's impossible!" Lucas shouted.

Watson looked back at the running crowd and he saw a girl within the crowd tripped and fell to the ground. He then recognized who the girl was. It was Yara. The Beowolf turned and saw Yara on the ground and howled. Realizing what was about to happen, Watson ran out the door and after Yara.

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