Dusty Old Crow

413 9 37

Watson Residence

Back at the Watson household, Watson, Lucas, and Yara all sat on the sofa, while Qrow sat on a chair across from them.

"So... how are your nieces?" Watson awkwardly asked.

"Fine," Qrow bluntly answered.

"You've been drinking lately?" Watson asked.

"I stopped when I went over Volume 8 with my nieces and several others," Qrow answered.

"Wait. You caught a glimpse of Volume 8?" Watson asked.

"We're getting off the subject here," Qrow said.

"What's gonna happen to Augusto?" Lucas asked.

"If you're referring to the other kid your friend here fought, he and those other people that were with him have already been taken into custody. I have read his history and what he has been doing to you all. They're gonna make sure that he won't bother you guys again," Qrow explained.

"Why are you here?" Yara asked.

"I here to talk to him," Qrow answered, gesturing to Watson.

"Is this about my aura?" Watson asked.

"Yes. A couple weeks ago, the U.S. government got a call from the São Paulo Police Department about you having your aura unlocked. So Professor Ozpin decided to send me to investigate," Qrow explained.

"But now, there are more people besides Watson that have their aura unlocked, including Augusto," Lucas said.

"I'm aware of that. The U.H.L. is sending out Huntsman to investigate each and everyone of them to have them all documented and to see if they are deemed a threat or not," Qrow answered.

"U.H.L.?" Lucas asked.

"The United Hunters League. An organization that was secretly founded by a few of Earth's world leaders and the academies' headmasters," Qrow answered. "Its purpose is to act as the bridge between Earth and Remnant once the populace of both worlds found out about each other's worlds and act as guardians of peace and order."

"Will this U.H.L. be made public or is this some secret organization that should stay secret from the public?" Watson asked.

"It will be made public eventually, but there are still things we need to work out, since the events of both worlds' existences have been discovered a bit too early and discovered over Salem's actions. And that has caused some banter," Qrow replied.

"So what's gonna happen now?" Yara asked.

"For now, all activity at the Huntsman academies has been canceled until further notice and businesses on Remnant came to a halt until Earth and Remnant can work some things out, and since Remnant has been alerted of this whole COVID-19 pandemic going on in you world, they had no choice but to follow this social distancing crap," Qrow explained.

"So it looks like our problems became your problems as well, huh?" Lucas asked.

"And eventually, Remnant's problems will also become Earth's problems, if you kids get what I'm saying," Qrow replied.

"The Grimm," Watson said in realization.

"Yep. They're gonna want to migrate to the new world because let's be honest, after looking into a bit of your world's history, your world will become a magnet for Grimm," Qrow said.

"Yeah, I can already picture that," Watson said.

"Members of the U.H.L., including myself were also sent out to find those who have the potential to join the Huntsman academies," Qrow said.

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