Junkies and Parkour

399 11 35

Unknown Abandoned Hotel

Outside at an unknown abandoned hotel, eleven stories tall and covered in graffiti, Augusto and his small group of friends approached a door. They stopped in front of the door, staring up at it for a moment.

"Before we get inside, I must tell you something. What you all are about to see must not be told to anyone," Augusto said.

"Why is that?" one of the boys asked.

"Because if you do, let's just say that there are consequences to those that sing about what my dad does," Augusto said. "Boys, let me introduce you to the family business."

Augusto knocks on the door and waits until the door cracked open as a face pokes out from the crack of the door with a small chain lock above his forehead. The man behind the door looked down at Augusto for a moment then at his friends, then back at him.

"They're with me," Augusto said.

The door closed for a moment as they heard the sound of the chain rattle. The door then opened all the way as Augusto and his friends walked inside. As soon as they entered inside, the man closed the door behind them. They all looked around as they saw a large drug lab. Several tables with beacons and test tubes with chemicals were under use by several people working at each table. Augusto and his friends walked past the tables as they looked at the work around them. They soon approached a stairwell and began to climb up the steps.

Augusto and his friends walked up to the fourth floor and began to walk down a hallway with doors on each side. As they walked they heard the sounds of women screaming and crying, along with the sounds of men cheering and grunting. The sounds behind the doors unnerved Augusto's friends but, Augusto didn't seem fazed about it. Suddenly, one of the doors bursts open and out comes a crying naked woman, making Augusto's friends jump in shock. Before the woman could run, two men rushed out of the room and quickly restrained the woman.

"Where are you running, bitch?!" one of the men asked.

"Yeah! We're gonna have a real fun party!" the other man said.

The two men pulled the naked woman back into the room as she screamed. One of the two men then closed the door. Augusto's friends looked from the closed door, then back to Augusto.

"Don't worry. She'll learn to love it. They all do at the end," Augusto said as he then continued to walk down the hall.

The boys followed behind in discomfort until soon after, Augusto stopped at a door. He knocks on the door and then waits. A moment later, the door opens and reveals a muscular man with blue eyes and a black goatee and mustache. He wore a pair of black shoes and dark blue jeans, along with an unbuttoned dark tan vest, showing off his muscular physique He has three tattoos, two on his arms and one across his chest. The tattoo on his left arm read 'Punish,' the right arm read 'Correct,' the the chest read 'King.'


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