Brazilian Huntsman

353 10 37

City Rooftops

June 20, 2020

The next day within the city, upon the rooftops, Watson was practicing his parkour on one building, while Lucas and Yara stood and watched from the next one over. Watson ran up to the edge of the building and jumped. He flips through the air and crosses to the second rooftop where Lucas and Yara are waiting. Watson grabs on to the edge, then flips himself over the edge and on to the rooftop. Lucas and Yara both approach Watson.

"Nice one, Watson," Lucas said.

"Yeah. That was pretty amazing," Yara said.

"Thanks," Watson said.

"At this rate you'll be able to avoid danger that comes at you," Lucas said.

"So what do you plan to do after this?" Yara asked.

"I was thinking since I have my aura unlocked and already discovered my semblance, maybe I could become a Huntsman. I guess that all depends on how the world will act," Watson answered.

"I'm sure they'll decide on something since the Grimm are on the loose and it's likely possible that they'll find their way on our lands," Lucas said.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see," Watson said.

Suddenly, the three heard panicked cries and yelling. They ran to the edge and looked over to see a man trying to take a purse from an old woman who was crying out for help. The man finally yanks the purse out of the elderly woman's hand as she falls over. The purse snatcher then starts to run away. Watson, Lucas, and Yara all watched in anger at the crime down below.

"Not on my watch, motherfucker," Watson said.

Watson turned and began to run to the other end of the building to chase after the purse snatcher. He jumps over the edge and lands down to the next building a couple stories below with a roll and then continues running. He ran to the side and jumped off the ledge and grabbed onto a lamp post. He swung down from the lamp post and landed onto the sidewalk and continued chasing the purse snatcher.

The snatcher ran across the street and just as Watson was about to cross, a car drove up and slowed to a stop, followed by a truck driving up next to it. Acting fast, Watson jumps and slides over the hood of the car. He then slides under the truck and then continues the chase with the purse snatcher.

Watson pulls out his karambit knives and throws one of them at one of the snatcher's legs. The knife struck the snatcher's leg, causing him to cry out in pain and fall over on to the ground. Watson approached the snatcher as he looked up at him, while clenching on to his wounded leg.

"Wow! Robbing from old ladies, huh? You must feel like a tough guy," Watson mocked.

"You son of a bitch!" the snatcher shouted.

He gets up and limps towards Watson to attack. Just as he was about to throw a punch, Watson activates his semblance and catches the snatcher's fist into the palm of his hand. Watson effortlessly crushes the snatcher's fist with a sickening crunch, making him drop to his knees and cry out in pain. Watson let go of the snatcher's now broken hand and deactivated his semblance.

"What the hell do you want from me?!" the snatcher asked.

"You have two things that don't belong to you. The purse and my knife," Watson said, glaring down at the purse snatcher.

The snatcher reluctantly presents the purse over to Watson as he grabs it out of his grasp. Watson knelt down and pulled the karambit knife out of the snatcher's leg, making him cry out in pain.

"Now listen and listen well. If you ever try to steal from anyone again, I'll make sure that you'll never be able to walk again. Got it?" Watson threatened.

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