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I SAT OUTSIDE at my regular spot with Jasmine

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I SAT OUTSIDE at my regular spot with Jasmine. We were chatting about things like how the exams were coming too quickly and about the ball, when I felt someone sit against me, awfully close.

I look to my side to see, Miles, sitting next to me. Jasmine went silent as she looked at him.

"Yes?" I question him. He takes a blueberry from my plate and watches me "What?"

"Is there a reason why you are sitting here?" I ask as he shrugs his shoulders and takes another blueberry. I glare at his actions as he smirks while chewing innocently.

"Do I need a reason?" he places his head on his hand. I look at him suspiciously for a while

"I forgot my books in my locker, I'll be right back" Jasmine winks at me before running off

"Why are you really here?" I whisper, causing him to lean in closer

"Am I not allowed to sit with you, Lorenzo?" he raises his eyebrow

"You've never sat with me before" I hardly whisper "- so no" he leans in closer

"That's too bad. I wanted to ask you something" we both stare at each other as if it was a staring contest.

"Go ahead"

"Have you got anyone to go to the ball with?" he asks, taking another blueberry

"Not yet" I replied, making him smirk

A few people had asked me, but I didn't like the idea.

"Would you like to be my date to the ball?" he asked smiling

"Sure" I smile back

"Great. See you later" he takes another blueberry before getting up and walking off

"Fucking hell" Jasmine gasped as she double over out of breath, throwing her books on the table

"Do you have a date to the ball?" she asked gasping for air

"Perhaps" I smiled "have you?"

"Luciano asked me" she whispered happily

"No way! Good going!" I squealed giving Jasmine a tight hug

"Who asked you?" Jasmine blushed as she laughed

"It doesn't matter" I smiled picking my nails

"Tell me right now Viola Jolie Lorenzo!" she demanded

"Miles Miller" I replied looking at Jasmine whose eyes widened

"Oh my God" she covered her mouth with her hand

I'm beginning to have second thoughts.

"What? Shouldn't I go with him?" I asked confused "I could always-"

"Luciano and I have been shipping you two for decades" she interrupted with a big smile on her face

"Ew. Now I'm definitely getting second thoughts" I complained, with a chuckle

Jasmine threw her books in her bag "Come on, let's go to the dorms!" Jasmine said dragging me away from the table


We entered our dorm to find a package on the kitchen island, with a letter on top of it.

Hello my beautiful daughter

I miss you very much and hopefully, you will come and visit me the next holiday.
I have heard about the upcoming Ball, so I have gifted you a dress. It was specially made for you.

Loves, mum
P.s you don't have to wear the dress if you don't love it as much as I do xoxo

I smiled at the letter and took the lid off the box. Inside laid a beautiful light pink, long dress.

My smile grew as I lifted the dress out of the box to get a better look at it. The top of the dress had a tight corset with tiny flowers on it.

"That's beautiful!" Jasmine exclaimed looking at the dress

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