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IT WAS NOW 6:55 and the party was about to start soon

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IT WAS NOW 6:55 and the party was about to start soon.

Jasmine and I left the Ruby dormitory and made our way towards Roses dormitory. It was a fifteen-minute walk and when we got the party was in full swing.

We opened the common room and the smell of perfume and alcohol filled the place. Lights flashing different colors, blasting music, and people shouting and screaming.

Pushing through the bodies Jasmine and I made our way to the drinks table. I dragged Jasmine into the center of the room where many students were dancing.

"Come on Jasmine! Dance with me!" I shouted over the blasting music

Jasmine and I are dancing when I accidentally bump into someone.

"Shit," I say "my apologies"

It was a tall, fit guy, he lowered his head and smirked at me. We both stared at each other before he walks away. My eyes followed him as he walked away.

"Who is that?" I ask, turning to Jasmine

"This is his party" Jasmine laughs "do me a favor, please"

"What do you want?" I chuckle

"Can you go ask his number for me? He's hot" she begs

"Fine" I roll my eyes with a small chuckle

The guy was surrounded by lots of people, mostly girls. As I was approaching him he locked eyes with me.

"Hi" I smiled looking up at him

"Hey, what's your name?" He asked. He had a deep, attractive voice.

"Jasmine" I lied

The guy stared at me smirking, then took a sip of his drink. "What's your real name?" he asked

"It is my real name," I lied "what's your name?" I asked back

"Miles." He replied, "what do you want?"

"My friend" I pointed at Jasmine "wants your number"

"She's not my type" he replied taking another sip of his drink

"Please" I begged

"Fine." he sighed and pulled a pen and a paper out of his pocket. He wrote something down and handed it to me "there"

"Thanks" I walked back to Jasmine and handed the piece of paper "Open it"

Jasmine stares at it, crunches the note, and looks in Miles's direction.

"What does it say?" I question, Jasmine, hands me the note.

In all caps, the note said, "I WANNA FUCK YOUR FRIEND" with a smiley face at the end.

Miles was already staring at us, watching our reaction. Jasmine walked away and sat on the floor near the back with a bunch of people.

I followed Jasmine and sat down next to Jasmine.

"I'm sorry" I whispered into her ear

"It's okay" she smiled, "I told you, I tried making friends with boys and girls but their intention to get into your bed is obvious and disgusting." she laughed.

I laughed "what are we playing?" I asked Jasmine

"Truth or dare" she smiled at me

"What are we? Five years old?" I snorted

5 more people sat down and joined the game. I looked up and saw it was Miles with his friends.

"Miles. Truth or dare?" some dude asks him


"I dare you to kiss the person your most attracted to" he states

"That's easy," Miles says looking at me. He gets up and it looked like he was coming in my direction. Instead, he went over to some blonde girl and kissed her. He sat back down and smirked at me.


"Viola Jolie. Truth or Dare?" the blonde girl he kissed asked.

"Dare" I smiled confidently

"Make out with a guy for at least 10 seconds"

I looked at Miles and smirked at him. I got up and also walked in his direction.

I saw him licking his lips.

Dickhead. He thinks I'm picking him.

I walk over to one of his friends. He sat right beside Miles. I connect my lips with his and start making out with him.

I can feel Miles's eyes burning into my side.

"10...9...8...7" everyone shouted in the circle as we kissed.

It was over and I pulled away and sat back down next to Jasmine.

"That was fucking hot" Jasmine chuckled

I nudge Jasmine's shoulders "I need to go to the toilet," I say

"Okay" Jasmine gets up and grabs my hand

"I'll be downstairs in the garden if you are looking for me" She leads me to a dorm room and I rush into the bathroom.

I pee quickly and unlock the bathroom foot. I look around and noticed it belonged to a guy.

The bedroom door opens "Excuse me? What the hell are you doing in my room?" He shuts the door closed

A/N: this chapter was inspired by someone I saw on TikTok!

All credits to them!!

word count: 797
*not edited*

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