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As another sleepless night has embraced me, there was anticipation followed by unfamiliar calmness mixed with relief when seeing her sitting figure observing the night sky.

Walking towards her, she spoke without averting her attention from the visible stars. "I suppose we are doomed to share this spot from now on," her tone was flat, but delicate touch of amusement and sarcasm—another thing I was yet to understand—has slipped through.

"Doomed?" I clicked my tongue and approached her side. "Well then," I looked at the shining stars fighting their way through the roaming clouds. "For once in my life, I might not hate the word."

She looked at me, feeling her stare I turned to face her. Again, she was trying to read me, but what could she possibly get from the mind that held worries truly out of this world. Her well-groomed eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly.

"You know," she began with usual calmness, yet there was irritation in her voice. "Sometimes I'm not sure what to make of your words..." she grumbled, was she annoyed?

"Should I not speak? If my presence bothers you then I can find another spot." Oddly enough my heart has let itself known, a tiny ache that pained me more than admin's sharp slap.

"Wha— No! That's not what I meant, I..." she seemed conflicted—what an odd human behavior.

Suddenly with a groan, she moved her wheelchair around. "Please do stay, I enjoy your company." The innocence and vulnerability in the way she whispered those words was what caused my cheeks to grow with the heat that hasn't been a part of my life until now.

Not dwelling further into the topic, I approached her once more. "Can I?" I asked for permission to push her wheelchair. Receiving a nod and confused expression as a response I went ahead and pushed her up the hill.

At times when the sleep hasn't come, I could hear her whispers and wishes spoken out loud, as I found myself searching for her voice even when not by her side. One of them being, how she wished she could simply walk up the steep ground, but it was too much for her to do on her own.

This was the highest point of the hill, with no benches or a view of the city in front, however, it had something better—the sky.

"Wow..." she uttered, her eyes captivated by the spacious and clear sight, that wasn't blocked by the trees or streetlights. Tracing the corner of my lips, I was smiling softly. My mouth parted at the realization as I glanced at the woman whose head reached up to my chest while in the chair. My heart acting on its own, this human was doing something without the slightest clue.

It terrified me. This right now, as she finally turned to face me—her light brown irises shining in the moonlight—might have been when a fear grew inside my heart.

"Are you okay?" her smile quickly swapped by concern.

Exhaling, mind occupied by the choices I was about to make in the time to come, knowing how badly it was to affect my friend. Regret entering my mind, I shouldn't have taken her down here... Nor should I ever stand on the Earth's ground.

"Yes," I lied.

She wished to ask, I knew she did but appreciated the fact she hasn't. Instead, swiftly moved closer, the wheels with difficulty pushing through the damp soil, until stopping in front of my shoes.

Taking off the glove her hand indicated for me to bend down. Doing as told our faces closer than ever before, she reached out, her hands beginning to correct the scarf that I had no idea had loosened to the point of nearly sliding off.

She smiled at me.

My breath was taken away as my insides melted under the spell she must have cast the first night we've met.

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