No. 18

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Nahla POV

"Thank you, Jonah. Although I did tell you I could have taken a taxi," I pointed out, happy to be back in my wheelchair after an entire week of struggle, my arms and legs were beginning to ache, not used to the pressure being put on them for this long.

"Nonsense, if anything I feel like you've been going quiet on me. Is something wrong?" His eyes were full of concern, and sadness. "I heard your date didn't go well... Listen—"

"Please don't," I introjected knowing well where this was going.

He didn't like that however, taking a stand right in front, preventing me from moving forward.

"You are being ridiculous," he accused. "I'm here, and I'm willing, you know that Nahla, you know that I love you. Why won't you give us a chance? Just one date, I could do much better than any of them. Have I not done enough for you?"

He was right, he was always there whenever I needed him, my only remaining friend after college, I've made the mistake of consoling myself in him after the accident, which he took a bit too literally.

"Jonah... It's not it, please," I tried to calm him down seeing how flared up he was.

"What!?" he snapped, his hands thrown into the air. "I love you—"

The sound of shattering glass has stopped this circus, as we both looked to the side. To my surprise, Elina was standing there with a rather blank expression, something she used to do a lot at the beginning. I wasn't certain where the sound came from until my sight shifted lower, finding her hand covered in blood still holding onto the remaining piece of the glass bottle she held.

"Oh, God!" I gasped and quickly moved towards her. "What happened?!" I wasn't sure where to start, her entire hand was bleeding.

Looking up, her lips parted at the realization after which she simply shrugged and placed the rest of the glass on the ground.

"Wanted to say hi, I suppose my water bottle decided to explode. Funny," her modulated tone wasn't making it any better. When our eyes finally met, her dark blue didn't look away from mine for a second. "Don't worry," she told me simply as if it wasn't anything serious.

For some reason, my heart was beating aggressively against my chest. "How can I not..." I whispered upset that she would still say that to me.

Taking a handkerchief out of my purse I gently covered her bleeding hand.

"Nahla I beg you, can we finish this conversation?" Jonah's desperate voice called from behind, anxiety has bloomed inside me at the thought of letting him down. "And how the hell did a glass bottle even break in your hand," he grumbled at Elina who smirked amused.

"Oh, you should be grateful it was the bottle," her remark made no sense, yet her intimidating aura has made me feel some type of way. What's wrong with me?!

Jonah frowned, but ignored her comment, referring back to me. "Nahla, I really need an answer soon. Think about it, you won't find another guy like me." With that said he began to walk away until Elina scoffed and made him turn back. "What?" he hissed displeased.

"Who said she wants a guy like you," she pointed out, and I wasn't sure what was happening, but I didn't like it. "Maybe stop making her feel uncomfortable, can't you see she's not interested?" she was making fair points, but this wasn't fair to Jonah...

Noticing her bloody fist clenched against the shattered glass I panicked and tried to open it up, but she wasn't letting me do so.

"Who the hell are you?" his raised voice made me wish I could hide in my room and ignore this confrontation, scared of people yelling or speaking with anger.

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