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"Long time no see," the voice that has always been hidden behind the cloth of innocence and reliability was no longer afraid to expose its colors; arrogance built underneath the lies.

"Cassandra," I spoke without emotion yet a touch of irritation has managed to slip through when addressing her name. She was no friend, but an enemy kept close, however at this very moment she was no use to me at all, only an obstacle I didn't want to face. "Visiting?"

Her dark blonde brow arched at the question. "Yes, came all the way down for some sightseeing," the snarky attitude was like a cherry on top, she didn't hide any longer. "What do you think?" her eyes rolled.

"Came to spy on Washu even on Earth? Damn Cassandra, I knew you were admins pet, but that's messed up, even for you," I taunted.

Her face gained more color and jaw clenched. "You knew?" she asked slightly taken aback.

Not being able to keep it in much longer I allowed a chuckle to escape before giving her one pitiful expression she didn't appreciate. "Of course, I knew. You really thought I haven't?" The thought itself was enough to amuse me, even at this time.

As a frown has taken over her face, she mumbled unhappily, "Then why did you allow me to do it? Be this close with her?"

Shrugging, noticing how all my muscles were tensed up ready for a fight, I decided to relax. Cassandra's presence was a complication, but it didn't mean a thing. Explaining this to Washu without hurting her feelings was the only concern... How could I tell her that the only other friend she thought she ever had was in reality a setup?

"It would be suspicious if I've done anything, Washu has nothing to hide and so I allowed the admin to keep an eye on her. Also, as bad as it sounds, she really did think you were a friend, made her happy since I couldn't always be there," I explained truthfully, except for the fact that she has indeed had a secret to keep.

"No hard feelings," she pointed around. "Can you just give me an update on the mission so I can be gone before the morning? This atmosphere is suffocating and the smell makes me want to puke."

My lips parted and relief washed over me. "Oh... Oh!" I internally swore at myself for thinking the worse, this idiot was only sent for a quick update. "Right yes, it's been a bit, hasn't it? Well, okay. Tell the admin we have absolutely nothing and more time is needed, thanks."

Her eyes dilated at my words and an unappreciated gasp filled the cold evening air. "Excuse me, come again?"

Humming lowly, I repeated, "We have nothing. Come by in a year, thanks."

"Elina!" her raised voice made me smile.


"This is serious, you can't get out of this one, you don't understand what is going on... This marriage has to take place!"

"Yes," I repeated calmly. "And as I said, more time. Don't expect me to magically find her, and since somehow Alifa has also gotten involved soon or later, she will be found. Now go back and tell the admin to chill while I do my job. Thanks, was awful to see you too."

"I fucking hate you," she spat under her breath as she paced away in frustration.

"Likewise," I answered into the air and sighed heavily once I knew she was gone. "Well, that was something..." I muttered to myself before checking the phone.

Washu messaged saying she was going to stay at June's for a night.

"Too much," I grumbled to myself.

Everything was getting more complicated and I could feel my control slipping away. Not yet, I could not lose it yet. At least Cassandra wasn't here to stay, that being my initial thought, it was reassuring to know she only came for an update, however, this meant that the admin was growing impatient.

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