Me: *walking up a small hill outside of New York*
Donnie: hey, honeybee *smiling*
Me: *tail softly sways* Don Don, you didn't have to do this-
Donnie: I know, I just wanted a day to ourselves after everything we've been through
Me: well, I was looking for you because.. you're reading again *throws t-phone to Donnie*
Donnie: really? *caught t-phone*
Me: yep *pops the P*
Donnie: *sits against the only tree on the hill* can we cuddle as I read this time?
Me: isn't that how we've been reading them?.. even when we weren't together?? *chuckles*
Donnie: *softly blushing* true *looks at the t-phone* Plan 10??
Me: *sits next to Donnie* yeahhhh- this is a weird one
Donnie: I'm not gonna question, I'll just start reading *wraps arm around Louisa's waist* *starts reading*
Me: *leans into his hold* *smiling* *tail wraps around Donnie's arm*
Donnie: man, I always hate how the Kraang talk
Me: I just find it funny sometimes *robotic voice* Kraang must do the thing known as capture the one known as Louisa Pulsifer- *regularly* it's funny *chuckles*
Donnie: *playfully rolls his eyes* *goes back to reading* oh, this was Baxter's first mission!!
Me: *nods* mhmm
Donnie: you two really high fived without looking?
Me: yeah, like I said - we have a good bond
Donnie: good bond my shell- he just likes you *goes back to reading* what goes on through Mikey's brain to make him actually think of what flavor Kraang cookies would be??
Me: I dunno... chocolate chips and brains just sounds like something a zombie would eat-
Donnie: you didn't remember the episode?!
Me: nope... I hate it when that happens because I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing
Donnie: welcome to our world- *eyes widen* oh, I think I'm starting to recognize what mission this was *shivers*
Me: you mean where me, a Kraangbot and Raph-
Donnie: yep, that's the one!.. you told Baxter about your powers malfunctioning?! *softly glares at Louisa*
Me: well, none of you guys listened when I tried to tell you - so I told him. All that turned out to happen was I needed to cool my hands down.
Donnie: *softly sighs* *pecked Louisa's forehead* that explains why you drink more cold drinks now *looks back at the t-phone* ohhh... I forgot I did that-
Me: did what? *tries to look at the t-phone*
Donnie: n-nothing!..
Me: ohhh- you mimicked Baxter- *chuckles* I forgot about that
Donnie: you knew?
Me: Don Don, I pay attention to you during battles... so yeah, I noticed
Donnie: *softly blushed* *goes back to reading* man, Raph really makes a lot of jokes on Mikey's IQ
Me: I know... that's saying something about someone who might not even know what IQ is-
Donnisa: *softly chuckle*
Donnie: pfft- "get a hold of yourself"- you just have to say puns while in battle, don't you?
Me: *chuckles* what can I say? It helps keep me calm while fighting
TMNT 2012 Donnie Reacts
NezařaditelnéExactly like the title says! Donnie reacts to, not just some of my stories, but just about anything!! You can recommend a few things if you want to, like a story on here- fanfics, fanart... let's see what we're getting ourselves into. The first 11 c...