{5} Got a secret

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No A/N

Kiri's Pov

"That was weird?" Midoriya looks at bakubro again. I nod in agreement and furrow my eye brows. 

"Must be some reason he doesn't want us to..." my eyes widen. Bakubro wouldn't have ... he wouldn't let..

I close my eyes sighing. I wish he just would trust us sometimes. Trust me. I know we are closer then this.

I rest my head on his shoulder but he doesn't push me off.


I open my eyes looking to the side seeing everyone else asleep and bakubro awake with his headphones in.

He's so nice to me, letting my sleep on him like this. I wrap my arms around him closing my eyes. I feel him stiffen up and I smirk softly.

He wraps his arm around my head hesitantly. I swear he's so cute.

I open my eyes to see him staring down at me. He lets go quickly and looks away.

"I was getting so comfyyyyy Bakubro" I groan out loudly and a hand shoots on my mouth.

"Shut up shitty hair your going to wake the extras up!" I smile at him brightly. "So you do care Bakubro." He swats me away.

I turn away from him and pout. Maybe he'll give in. He sighs softly and I feel a hand on my back.

"Listen shitty hair I'm going to say this one time" I look over at him. His eyes are so red and beautiful...
"I admit I care about you extras BUT DONT GO tell anyone that." He managed to scream whisper at me.

I nod zipping my hands over my lips. "Cross my heart." I pretend to throw an imaginary key.

I stare at him. "What?" I keep staring "W-what?" I stare. "Fucking cmere" he grabs my head and pulls me into a hug like before.

I wrap my arms around him and take a deep breath. He smells so good. Like candy. And it's so warm......


Bakugo's Pov

Shitty hair got me feeling all bad.. he doesn't even like me and it's probably just a joke I mean... who would want this.

I see UA pulling into view and everyone else is asleep so I wake kir- shitty hair up and he wakes everyone else up.

"We are here... I will be talking to some people about our visit today." Mr Aizawa scans the crowd. "Probably tomorrow. Go to your dorms there is a day off tomorrow meaning extra training the next day." Everyone groans at his words.

With that being said everyone exits the bus and into their dorms finally leaving me alone. Those fake extras. Making me feel all mushy...

I crash on the bed and rest me hand over my eyes. I missed them.. I should have visited, I just couldn't. It hurt. A tear rolls down my face and I wipe it. Fuck don't cry, crying is weak.

My body aches, even more when moving all today on that trip. I should move into the dorms permanently then nobody could get to me. He wouldn't dare touch my mom. He knows better.

I hear a knock at my door. "Bakubro?," I hear Kirishima whisper yell through the door. I don't respond. He knocks again. "Bakugo please?"

He didn't say my nickname, that gets me to stand up. I get up and open the door. Shitty hair stands out there with tears rolling down his face. He hugs me and I let out a low grunt of pain.

"What's wrong shitty hair?" He sobs and I walk back and close the door with him still holding on. He lets his body go limp and we sink to the ground. He tightens his grip on me.

I sigh "Kirishima?" I whisper out. He mumbled something and picks his head up, wiping his face. I push his head back into my neck.

"It's ok." He starts sobbing again his hands gripping the back of my shirt. I sit there dumbfounded, why is he crying? Is he ok?

We sit there for a few minutes while he dries his tears. He stares at me with puffy eyes.

"Sorry for disturbing you, I just had a bad dream but it's ok I'll be fine." He starts to get up. I get up to and grab his arm.

"Shitty hair that's not okay. What was the dream about?" He shakes his head. "Ok."

He hesitates to say something. "Could I, stay here?" I look at him, I can't let him go back like this. I let out a groan.

"Fine." He lets out a small cheer as he lays on my bed like he does when we study. I walk over to the bed and push him. "But I get the wall." He smiles.

"Okay Bakubro! Night" he gets comfy and I turn my back towards him and face the wall. 


I cant sleep and Kirishima seems to have fallen asleep based on his stilled breathing. I toss to face him for a second and he wraps his arms around me pulling me into his chest. I tense and my breath hitches. My face is probably as red as his hair.

I relax into the warm ness and my eyes close as I snuggle into him. Might as well get the most out of this.

I uhh may or may not have forgot to post this 🧍‍♀️

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