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The water boils around my body as I let out non stop explosions for training. Everyone stays a distance away except for sh- Kirishima.

"Dudeeee!" Kirishima yells out, looking in my direction. His voice makes my head turn really fucking fast actually. Which is embarrassing but I'm not gonna show it.

"Hah?" He walks over to me, seemingly hurried. Probably afraid from bitchzawa seeing him.

"Who was that dude you were with?" He'd lean on the tub I was in. Well do I tell him the truth or lie? Lie.

"A friend" He'd frown

"Which friend?" Nosey bitch.

"None of your fucking business." He'd back away slightly.


"Kirishima get back to training or you'll do double." Our heads snap to the homeless man on the floor. Kirishima nods and leaves. Pussy.

I wouldn't leave because if I have something to say and I'm in the middle of a conversation it's rude to interrupt.

Aizawa would stare at me for a few seconds more before looking away.



My legs carry me off school grounds, my head facing the floor. Shit, Aizawa fucking knows. He'll tell everyone! Fuck.

My chest rises and falls very fast, my eye search around for something. I don't know what.

My throat aches and scratches, my voice only coming out as a whimper.

Cold smooth hands engulf my body and for some reason I feel safe as the smell of cigarettes and coffee fill my senses.

Muscles in my body relax, my figure falling into this unknown person.

They stroke my back and my eyes slowly close against my will.


"We will be showing everyone's recordings from the trip." Aizawa holds up a remote, playing a recording with Kirishima entering the room with Kai standing in front of everyone, sort of protecting.

"Who are you? Where's Katsuki!" He'd growl out, with a crying Wendy next to him.

Kirishima would scratch the back of his head.

"He uhm got taken out for making someone cry, sorry man." He'd rasp out nervously.

Kai would him in understanding, taking Wendy and the others to their beds.

"Uhm, hello?" Kirishima would smile but was ignored. He'd look back at the glass before shrugging.

He was pulled out and the next clip came on. The same thing happened, others were ignored.

The clips ended and Aizawa looked at the class.

"Not really any help because they ignored you all but-" Izuku would raise his hand.

"Yes Midoriya?" Izuku would stutter before responding.

"Where was Kacchans?" The class grew silent. Their faces twisting. They all stared at Katsuki, their faces being blurred out, seemingly black.


"He deserved it"

"He wanted it"


"We know your secret."


Fuck! They know. Shit shit. My eyes would dart around at a fast pace, unable to focus with the erratic breathing in my chest.

Someone appeared, they'd walk closer.

"Are you okay?" The voice shocked me out of my trance, I'd slowly calm down. Taking in my surroundings id realize I was in an unknown place.

Jesus not a fucking gan. A groan made its way out of my throat. I'd look toward the voice.


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