Nunya bitch

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Katsukis POV:

My eyes would focus on the blue haired figure in front of me. He'd frown slightly, his gaze trapped on mine.

"Hey?" He'd mutter out, sounding unsure.

"Shit sorry, where am I?" He'd look around. Did he not take me here? The fuck

His lips would draw in a smirk.


"Fuck you mean Nunya?" He'd chuckle. Why was it kinda...

"Nunya business" He'd burst out laughing. I take it back, fuck him.

"Im just kidding it's my house..." Why am I here again-

The memories from before blow into my head. Oh, yeah that. That's embarrassing as shit.

"Im sorry.." his eyes would gaze over me before looking away.

"It's okay, are you okay though?" I'd cast my eyes around the room before nodding. Because id assume so. Right?

My legs would lift me off the bed? Shit atleast I was comfortable. Clothes still on my body? Check. My bag? On the dresser. Check. I'll assume everything's okay too.

I realize he'd been watching me this whole time and holy shit he must think I'm a weirdo. I physically feel my cheeks heat up. Shit.

He'd chuckle.

"So, I have some friends over wanna meet them?"
Id crane my neck, straining my ears out eventually finding a quiet whisper of people.

He stares at me hopefully, with a wide smile. Captivating

"Sure." Almost immediately he grabs my arm and pulls me out the room. Jesus okay I guess, the manhandling.

He pulls me into a room where there's three more people. One with black hair in a wolfcut, their eyes sharp like a cat also being yellow. Black scars going up his cheek.

The next ones a girl, huge uhm... yeah, tall, beautiful, green hair, slicked down almost naturally and slim black void-less eyes.

The other ones another guy seemingly older. He sits with a slugged posture, tired silver eyes, short silver hair, some slipping over his eyes.

The black hair guy smirks.

"Hey, so your Katsuki?" The hand holding my arm tenses and I look over to see Hetoros face scrunched.

"Jesus fuck your scary" Hetoro gasps out.

The guy chuckles apologizing profusely. A small laugh bubbles in my stomach, hesitant to come out. Who am I to assume these people are safe? Oh right me.

The laugh escaped me and soon more laughter follows mine. When I calm down I realize I'm on the couch. Why is it so fucking soft. I need one of these.

"Can I have this couch."  Everyone looks at me, my cheeks burn. I probably sounded so fucking stupid why'd I ask for someone's couch. Jesus Katsuki you stupid bitch.

The guy with the silver hair bursts out laughing.

"Fuck I like this kid can we keep him?" He jokes before turning completely serious.

"Uhm sure?" My voice rasps out.

The guy with silver hair claps his hands, reaching one out.

"M Kenji" He'd push his hair out of his face. His hair seems weirdly soft, I wonder how he keeps it like that.

Id take his hand, another one coming from the girl.

"I'm Yui" I take her hand too, letting Kenjis go. The next hand stretches out to me, which I take.

"M Ren" he barley gasps out. His hand warms mine, almost engulfing my hand.

"Hi I guess, we'll I'll assume you know my name?"

"Yeah!" Kenji hurried to speak, "Hetoro told us about you before!" Mm talking about me? I mean yay atleast I think he spoke good about me.

"So was it good talking or?.." Kenji cuts me off with a laugh. Making everyone stare at him.

"What?" He'd speak after practically fucking dying on the goddamn couch.

"You just-"... "You-" I'd look around, the words not coming out of my mouth.

My nose catches onto a smell of something? Looking over I see weed. Oh. Of course.

The girl with the green hair holds a joint between her fingers with a small smile on her face. She passed it to Hetoro, resting her head back. He'd take a hit and hold it out to me. And of course I'd say no, normally.

My fingers would wrap around it and I brought it to my lips. I inhaled and broke out in coughs. Jesus how the fuck do they not cough.

The laugher around me grows evident when I stop coughing and my cheeks burn red. A hand lands on my back .

"No need to feel embarrassed kat" Hetero would chuckle. My phone buzzes in my pocket, taking me out of my thoughts. It's been about 5 hours since I passed out..


Shitty hair💪:Bakubro where ya go?

Shitty hair💪:The class is going out to eat wanna               
                          come 👀

Shitty hair💪:Bakubroooo i just checked your
                           room where are you!! ☹️

Shitty hair💪: Dude this isn't funny nobody has                  
                           seen you!

Shitty hair💪: Your mom said you weren't home!

Shitty hair💪: A girl from another class saw you   
                           going with some older dude
+27 notifications

Dunce face🤢:Bro you should see Kiri right now     
                           he's freaking out 💀

                            AND UR SPICY SHIT UR
                            GONNA BE SO JEALOUS

Dunce face🤢: I'm only bringing tacos back for
                            Sero if I don't finish them, want       
                            them noodles you better text

Dunce face🤢: Too late bitch


Hag: Katsuki Kir just called and said you weren't
          at the dorms! Get your ass there now


My arms would sink to my sides and I'd sigh.

"Hmm?" Kenji would look over, the hair covering his face.

"Gotta get home, everyone's freaked and shit" the words come off as a hiss.

He'd nod, the others standing up with him as they put on their coats and shoes.

They'd stare at me waiting.

"What?" My eyes would drift around.

"We're walking with you dumbass" Hetero would snicker. Id roll my eyes because fuck that bitch. The world would move slowly, shaking slightly, turning black at the corners.

"Shit," my hand would grab the couch as my vision started clearing. Steps would become apparent and a hand would touch my arm.

"Are you okay?" Kenji would frown. Hetero and the others would be at the door all confused.

"Yeah, let's just go." My feet would carry me forward, my head pounding slightly. The footsteps would follow up behind me.


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