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Bakugos pov

My alarm goes off waking me from whatever uncomfortable dream I came from. I blink slowly because my eyes are droopy as fuck.

The alarm shut off with the tap of my hand. I peel myself from the bed, letting out small grunts of discomfort. Jesus what fucking day is it. Thursday?

The pain in my body shocks me from thought. This pussy ass body. The air feels cold against me as I sit up. When my feet make contact with the floor my vision gets blocked by black dots.

Fuck. Waving my hand in my face doesn't do shit so I'll just wait. Soon my vision clears up, my surrounding still thankfully being my clean ass room. Nobody likes a dirty room. Even if you aren't able to help it.

The shirt that I stumbled to throw on shakily after the shower is ripped off and a new shirt is thrown on.

This is ridiculously stupid. I shouldn't have to put up with this shit. My sweatpants snuggle against my body as I pull them up. Do I not have another pair because any tighter and these pants are gonna choke me out.

I turn the door knob tugging the door open. The hall was clear when I walk out. Of course nobody would be up it's fucking 5:30.

The elevator lets out a ding when the doors open. I step inside, the air being a little cooler then out. Sometimes I say just fuck this run but I do need to loose weight.

Walking out of the elevator I see two idiots passed out on the couch. Raccoon eyes and dunce face. Raccoon eyes lay splayed out on dunce face her feet in his face. Disgusting.

The cold air welcomes me as I walk out. My legs immediately breaking out into a jog. It's slightly light outside. Perfect time to snatch me up, when unsupervised jogging of course.

My feet take me off school grounds. To the store. In my cart lays the spiciest ramen noodles that are here, including bandages and a pack of gum.


The park swing creeks and feel my body swishing back and forth. The bag of groceries lay on the ground. This is pretty calm and also cold, my body shivers. I should go back, but... it's so less stressful here.

A noise from the swing next to me happens, I look over to see a male with dark blue hair. His eyes closed while he sits there, taking deep breaths.

"So your just going to stare at me?" His voice is deep and raspy, probably from it being so early and cold.

I nod slowly before I look away.


He hums a response and starts to swing. His hair tied up in the back. He has barley noticeable freckles on his face and his eyes are a sort of grey. Oh his eyes are open, and staring at me, fuck.

"Sorry." I repeat and stare away. Why the hell am I so fucking weird.

"Hmm, what's your name?"

"Katsuki" my voice automatically reply's. The fuck am I responding for

"Nice... my names "Netoro" I nod staring at the ground.

"Fuck you doing out here kid?" The fuck I'm not a kid.

"I'm not a fucking kid." He stares at me

I scoff "I'm a teenager"

He shrugs "Same thing"

"Like your any older!" He turns to stare at me.

"I'm 17" almost 18.

Okay I mean he does look like 20 or something, no clue what I was expecting.

My phone goes off in my pocket. I pull it out to read Kirishimas name.

"Should you answer that?" He stares at my phone. I shake my head pocketing my phone.

"I'm trying to get away from people, you could say" he nods.


We sit in a silence, the sun already risen. The pebbles on the ground kicked a few feet away with every swing.

Stranger danger is some shit I was never taught, it's kick someone in the crotch and run. You know? Same thing. Pretty stupid when I started kicking classmates when they got to close. Yeah I got in a lot of trouble for that.

I look at my phone to read 9. Holy shit actually 9. I should probably go, but I don't want to. He stands up from the swing.

"Let me walk you home?" I nod. What's the worst that could happen letting him walk me to UA? All I get is extra protection in my eyes. My weight shift onto my feet as I stand. He lights a cigarette, before we start walking.

He looks over at me. "Wanna try?" I let out a chuckle. Who does this guy think he is?

"Your such a bad influence." I take the cigarette out of his hands and breath in. My throat aches and my body wants to cough. At the same time a small sense of calmness washes over. I don't cough because that's fucking embarrassing and I hand the cigarette back.

"It tastes kind of bad, but you get used to it" I nod seeing UA in the distance.

"Hey we should... stop walking here? I can find my way back from here." He puts out the cigarette and turns to walk away.

"See ya" he walks off into the distance and I walk to UA to see Aizawa waiting for me. Shit.

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