"I will ruin everyone and everything that stands in my way. Even him"
Aria Middleton is a Made Woman.
Being haunted by nightmares of the past is what drives her to be the Queen of the chessboard. The most important piece. She feeds off of the miser...
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Levi: Lunch at The Vineyard?
I am just about to postpone his offer when Rhea walks in. Rhea tends to speak before even seating herself and allowing herself to breathe. Since it's a reflex action, I put a hand up and put two fingers down, gesturing for her to stay quiet and sit down first.
Me: Today?
"Speak," I answer in a monotone voice. It's as if she was holding in her breath and I denied her oxygen. I place my phone on the table face down.
"We have a problem." We. My employees tend to use that word a lot as if I'd assigned the work to both of us. We. I am correct, instead, they change it to we and involve me in their unconventional problems.
I am impatient, "Well, out with it already." Before I kick you out. I don't say that although at the moment it seems to be the best option.
"There had been footage-" I immediately thought of Ash. His club security is premium, then why would there be some footage, perhaps I'm mistaken, "-of you at The Vineyard the day of the shootout. You saw hanging off the building, holding on to Lita."
She hands me an iPad with the footage already playing and in actuality, it is me in the video but my face is unclear and so is Azalea's. If anything the quality is poor and unclear, leaving little room for factual evidence."This is a joke, right? This little footage is the reason I have been hoarded by media personnel all day. You can barely see their faces, it might as well be fake."
Rhea swallows, "Since we are on the topic, the media is flooding the reception and lounge area. Clients are irritated with the overbearing journalists prying into their personal lives. None of them are leaving until you address the situation." She sighs, firing up surveillance and showing me the stampede of journalists outside my building. On my private property.
Levi: Yes, today. Are you planning to wait on an alien attack?
"This is ridiculous, I am excusing my work for a bunch of insolent hooligans." I grab my phone and keys. Rhea hands me a microbus and connects it to hers. I flounder with my appearance, not wanting to get unnecessary attention from the media since really minding their own is something they are highly incapable of.
Me: I'm sorry, Levi. I can't. Work is just so hectic today.
Levi: of course. Perhaps a rain check?
Me: Raincheck is just another way of saying it's never going to happen.
"Rhea, how's my schedule looking for the rest of the day?" She walks a few feet behind me while she checks in her iPad.
"Not too bad, after this conference, you'll most likely brief the team on the latest at the board meeting. From three pm, you are completely free." She answers.
Me: I can pitch in for a late lunch, preferably around half past three...is that fine?
We are entering the elevator when I check to see that Levi hasn't answered. Perhaps he no longer cares for it. At that thought, my phone jitters in my hands