"I will ruin everyone and everything that stands in my way. Even him"
Aria Middleton is a Made Woman.
Being haunted by nightmares of the past is what drives her to be the Queen of the chessboard. The most important piece. She feeds off of the miser...
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After taking one more coffee with a blueberry to go, I had concluded that my benevolence for caffeine was a dependency. I figured converting to a means of alcohol or pills would be more mortal to my organs. With that, I decide to get two more coffees for Rhea and Marae or else if I don't, they will obliterate me.
I am most definitely late for my meeting with Davinski. Tardiness is not entity I possess but for chauvinistic, arrogant, machismo men. My morals do not lie anywhere. I prepare schedule progression meetings with him bimonthly. To disrespect my employees by insulting their diligence and further insult dedication to his company. He is right to do, but I have given him no reason to complain.
Delivering the coffees to their respective owners, I made a mental note to not buy coffee for the rest of the day and tomorrow. Of course it was highly unlikely I would follow through. Because part of me had a feeling-no, I knew Davinski would make my head spin. Perhaps I won't consume caffeine but alcohol. With that being said, I entered the boardroom.
From the transparent glass, I could already view the scowl from a definite mile away. I at times regretted enforcing that instructions. Although the room was soundproof, it was not view proof and perhaps one day I would've loved to endulged in boardroom sex. Whoa. Where did that come from?
Penetrating abdominal destruction, I made my path to my seat at the head of the room. One. Raising a brow at the silence, two, I pondered reasons behind this new found maturity. Three. Even than I continued to await the raised voice, Four, and chauvinistic opinions...five.
"Ms Middleton," Because I knew, an arrogant man is deemed arrogant for a reason. "You are late, tardiness is unprofessional and insolent. Than again, I do not know why I am surprised. Perhaps this is the reason behind no progress being made, let me guess. Woke up late this morning, or there was traffic. No, no my personal favorite a bad hair day. Or a personal affair."
This man is exceptionally conceded in ways I cannot even begin to express, "Yes actually, I had a personal affair with coffee and donuts. Exceptional combination, I had no idea. Which, by the way, is cold because you blabbered on for far too long."
"I should expect no less from a woman, of course."
"God, this is incredibly boring." I prayed that I would not be here for too long.
"If you will continue like this, than I shall leave." Mr Davinski tried to warn, a light bulb ringed in my head.
"Than leave," I encouraged, "if you are unhappy, than leave my building and never look back. The choice is entirely up to you, I do not care."
Mr. Davinski kept mum.
I stared at my coffee, silently wishing the liquid would start boiling. Nothing. "Mr. Davinski, if you do not plead your complaint to me this instant than this meeting will be over before it even took place."
"There is no progress." How presumptous of him, "Instead of not worrying, I am plunging into further debt and am close to filing for bankruptcy. I have entrusted you with my company but it seems you are far too incompetent to take care of a small project."