part 93: Bubbled Troubles

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Pearl peeks her head into the temple's burning room, scanning through the various vein like poles and bubbled gems.

"Down here."

Her eyes immensely trailed down to the fluffy figure sitting at the edge of the lava pool.

Pearl let out a soft huff, smiling to herself as she quietly climbed down into the burning room's steep entrance, her hands idly fiddling with each other as made her way over to you, stopping to stand beside you

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Pearl let out a soft huff, smiling to herself as she quietly climbed down into the burning room's steep entrance, her hands idly fiddling with each other as made her way over to you, stopping to stand beside you. "Garnet said you'd be here."

"Hello, pearl." You greeted warmly, without taking your eyes off of the bubbled gem you were currently tampering with. "What brings pearl down here?"

"Just checking up on you." She replied lightly. "I heard about what had happened on your recent mission and I just wanted to make sure you weren't hurt." You chuckled, sparing a side glance at the thin gem with a smirk. "Which version? Garnet's or Steven and Spinel's?"

Pearl hummed, letting a small smirk of her own lift her mouth. "Well, I've only heard Garnet's so far, but I can only assume that steven and spinel had spun up an entire fable of their own." You shrugged nonchalantly. "It involves talking animals, training... and onion rings." The last word caught pearl off guard, because she blinked a few times, squinting slightly. "Onion rings...?" She repeats, a complete look of genuine puzzlement. "I... why onion rings?" You shrugged, very unsure of the onion ring detail yourself. "Not sure... But either or, pearl knows how both tales ended." You winked playfully, which made pearl giggle, a light teal dusting her cheeks. "Oh, how could I not?"

You chuckled softly in return, before returning your attention to your bubble again, falling silent as you watched the glint of the lava's dim glow slide across the red facets. Your smile wilted slightly at the sight of the stone and a light rumble of frustration emanated from your throat. Pearl noticed this and felt her own smile wither, tilting her head at your shift. "Are... you alright?"

 you alright?"

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"(Name)'s... she's fine." You replied, your voice now quiet and dulled of its previous lightness. "...she's just..." You hesitated as you contemplated the captive gem in your paws, gently rotating the transparent sphere to get a look at the gem from all sides. A heavy sigh left your maw. "She's just... troubled."

"Pearl's eyes flickered between you and the bubbled gem, frowning. "Oh. I... wouldn't worry about too much about that, (name)." She said softly, taking a seat beside you, being careful as to not sit on your tail, or get the fur of it caught in the lava. "You can always try again with the communication process with her. After all, it was only your second time trying."

You rumbled uncertainly in your throat, staring at the sad red gem confined in its bubble.

A small, warmth suddenly pressed against your midarm, and you found yourself repressing a flinch of surprise.

A small, warmth suddenly pressed against your midarm, and you found yourself repressing a flinch of surprise

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"You can do it, (name). I'm sure you'll get the hang of it eventually. You've already gotten the hang of so much already..."

You felt a light flare in your face, but nevertheless relaxed much more. So much so that you released the bubble from your hold, letting it float back up to the ceiling where it previously was.

Perhaps she's right...

You sighed, feeling the weight lift off your chest. You start to feel a small smile creep up your muzzle as you mulled the words over in your head. "(Name)... can only hope she can."

You both sat there for a short period of time, enjoying the light silence, save for the light bubbling of the magma behind you both. You looked up at the mass of bubbled gems above for a moment before you remembered something. "Steven and Spinel."

"Hum?" Pearl blinked, coming out of her peaceful trance as she snapped up straight looking up at you. "Where are steven and spinel?"

"Oh. They went to visit Greg at his car wash." Pearl replied. "What's the rush?"

"It's gotten late." You noted, rubbing your chin. "(Name) needs to check on them."

You placed a hand on pearl's head, smiling warmly. "Thanks for the pep talk, pearl." You finally get up, arching your back to rid it of the stiffness that had formed in it. "Oh... no problem (name)." Pearl smiled sheepishly as she watched you disappear into the light of the burning room's exit.

She sat there for a moment, before casting a hopeful gaze up at the bubbles above before making her way over to the burning room's steep exit herself.

Oh stars, what have I done-

Of course pearl looks different, I'm experimenting with my art style. Sorry if she looks wierd but the angle I drew her in hurt my sanity. Haven't drew a front view lean in a while.

And trying to mimic the show's style has been proven difficult, so now it's my art style all the way through.

Anyhow, that Centipeedle x mother CG reader is out now. Check it out!~

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now