part 11: how peculiar..

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...hey... where am I?

you raised an eyebrow as a confused hum rumbling in your throat, as you strolled through the warm greenry of the sunlight forest. well... wherever this is... it's quite.. beautiful... you felt a smile slowly float to your face as you looked up through the canopy of green leaves, sunlight peeking through the small openings. you suddenly come up to a large clearing patch of flowers, all different colors. your eyes twinkled and you gasped out loud in pure awe. whoa... you slowly tread through the patch, marveling at the rainbow assortment of flowers surrounding you, with a few bees migrating from one flower to another and a few fluffy rabbits grazing on the flowers and clovers. a large smile filled your face as your eyes twinkled brightly at the display. such beauty...!

you bent down and pluck a few colorful flowers from the ground. you smile at the small colorful bundle of flowers held in your grip, occasionally rubbing an index finger and thumb over the soft petals. you brought it up to your face and took a deep sniff of the sweet smelling flowers, humming contently at the fragrance. you then sit into the long, fluffy soft grass and took a few flowers, carefully bending and tying them together, forming a beautiful, colorful flower crown. after taking a moment to admire it, you place it on your head, letting a giggle escape your mouth. that was when you felt tickling at your thigh and you turned to see a small fluffy little bunny sniffing at your thigh. you smile happily at the small critter and pick it up, stroking its ears tenderly. it nestles into your chest, looking very content and somewhat safe in your warm embrace.

"beautiful, isn't it?"

a startled gasp escapes your throat and you whip around to the source of the voice. to your unease you see no one... letting your eyes dart around a bit more, your eyes finally fall upon a large pink bud sticking up from the flower patch. you tip your head to the side in confusion.

"earth... isn't it beautiful?"

before your eyes, the flower blooms slowly, blossoming into a vibrant pink rose. now the rose itself was absolutely beautiful. never before had you seen something happen like this! but that isn't what amazed you. it was what in the center of it.

and it was a beautiful, shiny pink quartz gem.

"there is more to earth than this, you know. so much more..."


you snap your head up with a start and whip your head around in a bewildered panic. you were in Steven's living room, curled up on the couch. you place a paw on your head and let out a small puff. woo... that's not something you don't experience often...

you prop yourself up and continue to itch your head, taking the moment to glance back up at the portrait again, it hanging innocently over the door. you sigh and whined lowly, clenching your eyes shut, sliding your hand to your face.

this place... it's messing with me.

next morning you were sprawled out across the living room floor scribbling random pictures at a vigorous pace, at times using both sides of the paper once you've run out of space to try and save up on your ever dwindling supply. in fact, you didn't truly know how much paper you went through. you just drew and drew and drew. "hey, (name)!" you snap your head up, your eyes meeting with cheery boy steven, who was kneeling before you. you gave him a friendly grunt in response before getting back to your task at hand. Steven watched you in interest, slightly unsettled by the way your attention was completely on the drawings you produced, at a rather quick pace. "um... what are you drawing?" he asked softly, kneeling in front of you. with this question, you look up cheerfully from your task, seemingly happy that he asked.

I'm drawing pictures about you, me and centi! And about the odd sleep vision I had last night! I gotta draw it while I still remember! "Graaarraaaoowrgh!" you replied simply before going back to your drawing, tongue lolling out of your mouth in concentration. "oh... c-cool!" steven replied with a short pause. forgot she can't really talk... he thought with a weary itch behind his head. he decided to just watch as you continued your drawing tirade for a while, wondering why you were doing it with such vigor. his gaze then trailed to the numerous drawings scattered all around you both. all of them contained pictures of meadows, flowers, bunnies and the occasional picture of you, steven and centi: in the flower meadow, on the beach or just a random picture. he smiled at your profound artistry. for a corrupt gem, you weren't bad! you struggled a bit at the hands and shape a bit, but still pretty decent! he picked up the one nearest to him and inspected it. stars of curiosity and awe appeared in his eyes at the sight. "oooh..." he raised his eyebrow however, wondering as to what inspired you to draw this. he takes his attention away from your drawing to look down at the ever diminishing paper supply. "wow. you really like drawing, huh?" you look up and nodded joyously before returning to your task. he giggled and gathered up a few drawings. "I'm gonna show some of these to the others, if you don't mind. then we'll get you more paper to draw on!" you nodded vigorously, smiling happily at the thought of more paper. "good!" he pats you on the head and heads off to the others. while he did that, another thought crossed your mind with a smug tint.

Maybe now that pearl will give me more respect...

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now